Plastic Surgery Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Nemours Blog

Plastic Surgery

22q Awareness Day: Jason’s Story

Jason’s story began with a seemingly innocent complaint, ear pain. Concerned for her son, Andrea Salicia vividly remembers the moment she first suspected something was wrong with her son Jason. While feeding him, she noticed that he was twitching, and it didn’t appear to be normal newborn behavior. A few days later, in a terrifying incident, Jason began gasping for air during a feeding, followed by a more severe twitch. Panicked, Salicia rushed him to the Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida emergency room. It was there that a nurse informed her that Jason’s “twitches” were actually seizures, prompting further investigation. This nurse also thought that he might have a condition called DiGeorge syndrome but didn’t want to say anything until it was confirmed. The medical team then performed a spinal tap and various tests, which led to a diagnosis of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, also known as 22q or DiGeorge syndrome, at […]

From Concussion to Clarity: Sammy’s Story

In 2020 and again in 2021, Sammy had two serious falls, both caused by fainting. Each time, Sammy was told she just had a concussion. However, the second time, her symptoms never went away. “I had a horrible headache that never left, the light continued to bother me and I wasn’t able to focus on stuff the way I normally did,” says Sammy. “I felt very limited during this time. I played volleyball and it would affect my ability to play. Being outside under the sun would cause me to get lightheaded and feel pain. I couldn’t touch my head much and I rarely pulled my hair up, unless it was for a game. It was even hard to sleep at night because of all the pressure I felt.” While in an appointment with Dr. Leto Barone for a different condition, he asked Sammy about her concussion. As she explained […]

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