Nemours Blog - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

For the White family, life has been full of unexpected challenges—but also extraordinary resilience and hope. Three of Seth and Hannah’s children, Samuel, Selah, and Stephen, were all diagnosed with Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome (EVC), a type of skeletal dysplasia that restricts cartilage and bone growth and is often accompanied by congenital heart defects. Their journey, which began with the birth of their first son, Samuel, has led them across the country to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, where they found the care they needed for their children’s complex condition. The family’s story begins in Arkansas, where Samuel, now 6, was born. Hannah remembers the uncertainty surrounding Samuel’s diagnosis. “At our 20-week ultrasound, we learned that Samuel had some complex medical concerns, but even after a lot of testing, they weren’t sure of his exact diagnoses,” she said. It wasn’t until after Samuel’s birth that the family learned he had EVC, along […]

Amazingly Resilient: Addison’s Story

Meaghan remembers the early days of her daughter Addison’s life vividly. Diagnosed with a cleft palate just days after birth, Addison’s journey began with a challenge. “She was having a very difficult time breastfeeding and just didn’t seem interested in eating,” recalls Meaghan. Suspecting a possible lip tie, she asked a nurse to check Addison’s mouth. Instead, the nurse discovered a cleft palate. From that moment, Meaghan began the process of feeding Addison using a bottle with a valve. The cleft palate diagnosis impacted the Addison’s family’s daily routine significantly. With a 3-year-old son already keeping them busy, adjusting to Addison’s needs meant slowing down their usually fast-paced days. “In the very beginning, it would take about 45 minutes to an hour for one feeding,” says Meaghan. “With Addison struggling to eat, we had to take each day at a time.” However, with perseverance and patience, Addison began to improve […]

Urology Awareness Month: Kieva’s Story

10-year-old Kieva has faced many challenges in her young life. At the age of 3, she was diagnosed with bilateral vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), a condition that brought frequent UTIs and fevers. Kieva’s journey with VUR began after a series of high fevers and recurring UTIs left her parents, Tara and Tim, searching for answers. “The constant worry about whether a fever was another UTI and the potential damage being done to Kieva was overwhelming,” shares Tara, Kieva’s mom. “Each instance left us questioning if we had sought medical help in time and how this condition might impact her future.” Kieva’s condition led them to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, where they found the care and support they needed. Referred by Kieva’s primary care doctors at Nemours Children’s Health, Media, the family met with Dr. Figueroa, who quickly became a pillar of Kieva’s care. From the very first visit, Tara knew they […]

teenage girl having psychotherapy session at psychologist's office

Finding Hope: Leah’s Journey with Dialectical Behavior Therapy

When Leah was 16, she couldn’t think of a single reason to live. Leah was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes the previous summer, and since then, she and her parents had been constantly fighting about what she ate, her diabetes care, and how she spent her time. Leah started cutting herself to cope with the stress of her diagnosis and her relationship with her parents. Things only seemed to get worse. She felt like she couldn’t really trust the few friends that she had, and she seemed to always be fighting with her peers and teachers. When her girlfriend broke up with her, she decided she was “done.” Leah was hospitalized after an overdose, but during her inpatient stay, she was introduced to a psychologist from Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware. This psychologist suggested that Leah might benefit from participating in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, one of the few interventions proven helpful […]

Reagan’s Epilepsy and CP Journey

Reagan’s journey with epilepsy and cerebral palsy has been strengthened by the care she received from Nemours Children’s and her advocacy efforts.

Savannah’s Cochlear Implant Journey

Born in November 2013, Savannah passed her initial hearing screening at birth, leaving her parents unaware of any hearing issues. It wasn’t until a playful moment during a game of telephone at age 6 that they discovered Savannah’s hearing impairment. Her father, Gabe, recalls the moment: “I whispered something into her left ear, and she said, ‘Oh no, Daddy, you have to whisper in my other ear. That ear doesn’t work.’” This revelation was the start of Savannah’s hearing journey. This casual game confirmed their initial suspicions. Gabe shares, “When she told us she couldn’t hear out of that ear, it made sense. She was always a loud talker, and her speech curled towards the ear that worked.” The family sought help from hearing specialists, but the initial results were disheartening. “We tried a hearing aid, but it only boosted her hearing from 4% to 12%. It just wasn’t enough,” […]

Happily, Boldly, Confidently: Kagan’s Story

At the age of 17, Kagan’s life took an unexpected turn when the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis manifested, leading her to the care of Nemours Children’s Health. Kagan’s diagnosis unfolded in early October 2021, just two months into her senior year of high school. Suffering from months of severe abdominal pain, bloody stools, rapid weight loss, vomiting, and more, Kagan’s health was severely affected. She was scheduled for a colonoscopy to address her symptoms, but upon having labs done in the preparation room, it was discovered that she was too iron deficient anemic to have the procedure. Kagan was then hospitalized at Wolfson Children’s Hospital. There, her care team from Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville diagnosed her with Ulcerative Pancolitis and she was scheduled to receive blood transfusions, later have a colonoscopy, and develop a treatment plan once. Overall, this resulted in a 9-day hospital stay. Before making that long trip […]

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