When Logan was born at just 31 weeks, his parents knew his journey would be anything but typical. After a complicated pregnancy and an early arrival, Logan faced significant medical challenges from the very start. Diagnosed with Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL) and later with Cerebral Palsy and Autism, his early years were filled with therapies, surgeries, and specialists as his family sought the best possible care. Melissa, Logan’s mom, was determined to give her son every opportunity to thrive. From traveling to St. Louis for eye surgery and Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) to consulting with a CP specialist in Texas, their family left no stone unturned. But when Logan was 8 years old and they were faced with the decision of hip surgery, their search led them to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, and Dr. Wade Shrader. The decision to pursue an osteotomy was not an easy one. “We consulted with numerous […]

A Bright Future Ahead: Piper’s Story
When Piper was just four months old, her parents faced an unexpected concern: their pediatrician noticed her head size was not typical. After a series of tests, Piper was diagnosed with microcephaly. By the time she was nine months old, she was missing developmental milestones, and by her second birthday, she had also been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Piper’s journey also brought unique challenges with communication and mobility. As a nonverbal child, Piper relies on creative ways to express herself, and her family has embraced learning to understand her cues. Piper is also not yet mobile, affecting her ability to move around and get from one place to another on her own. In 2022, the family relocated to Florida and began researching the best care options for Piper. “We spent a lot of time looking for facilities that could meet Piper’s needs,” her mother, Christy explains. “Nemours was the best […]