Nemours Blog - Page 16 of 33 - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Your Child’s Flu Vaccine: Now Is the Time

Your family’s fall calendar may be packed with sports activities, pumpkin picking, and school events, but don’t forget to make time for one very important appointment: your child’s flu vaccine. Experts say now is the best time to get the flu vaccine. Getting it at the start of flu season — which runs from October to May — gives the body a chance to make antibodies that protect from the flu. For the last couple of years, flu rates have been lower than usual, in part due to the precautions taken to prevent COVID-19. But now kids are returning to school with fewer precautions and resuming pre-pandemic activities. The flu will start to spread again, which is why families should get their flu shots as soon as possible. Why Is the Flu Vaccine Recommended? While the flu vaccine isn’t 100% effective, it still greatly lowers a person’s chances of catching […]

World Heart Day- Greyson’s Story

Caring for critically ill infants with congenital heart defects using an app Greyson was born at 39 weeks on August 3, 2020, and just 24 hours later arrived home to meet his two, very excited older siblings.  A week later, Greyson wouldn’t eat. His parents, sensing something was wrong, brought him to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware where he was admitted to the intensive care unit and put on oxygen.  At first, doctors thought it was a viral infection, but an echo of Greyson’s heart revealed that he was in heart failure.  The diagnosis was hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), a severe congenital heart defect, requiring a series of three highly complex surgeries to correct it.  With Greyson just 10 days old, Dr. Christian Pizarro performed the first surgery. All went well.  Greyson spent the next 7 weeks recovering in the hospital and as discharge planning began, acute care pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Erica Del Grippo cautioned his parents that the […]

Keto Diet: Ending Common Misconceptions

The Ketogenic “keto” Diet has become popular over the last few years, growing in its popularity as a weight loss diet. The keto diet works by switching the body’s primary energy source from carbohydrates to fat. When enough fat is used for energy in the body, our bodies enter what is known as “ketosis.” There are many misconceptions about the ketogenic diet that we hope to debunk! Myth 1: The Keto Diet is for Weight Loss The keto diet has been used for weight loss in recent years. The common understanding of why this works is through increased satiety from eating a higher fat diet (and less simple carbohydrates) and the breakdown of stored fats in the body from lower calorie intake. While weight loss is possible when following a keto diet, it should be monitored by a knowledgeable registered dietitian and physician to make sure you stay healthy while […]

When Your Child Wants to Quit Sports

As kids head back to school and daily routines, many are also returning to sports. But what happens if your child doesn’t want to try out for the team this year? They’re not alone. According to research from The Aspen Institute, almost 1 in 4 parents say their kids are less interested in organized sports since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The benefits of organized sports are well known. They keep kids active and teach important life skills like teamwork and how to manage conflict. Kids who play on a team can gain self-esteem and confidence from learning new skills. And they are less likely to have anxiety and depression or to use drugs. So how can you help your kids enjoy team sports? And if organized sports aren’t right for them, how can you help them stay active and involved? Ways to Help Your Child Make the Best Choice Start […]

A fever, racing heart rate, and altered mental state: Why was this teen athlete so sick? 

This blog was originally published by The Philadelphia Inquirer  A 15-year-old girl was brought to the emergency department because she was not acting like herself at lacrosse practice. The coach called her mother to pick her up early from practice because she was having trouble walking and could not answer such simple questions as “What is your name?” and “Where are you?”  When they arrived at the emergency department, the teen’s skin was red, hot, and dry. She was leaning on her mother for support. She looked so ill that the nurse brought her into the triage room before other waiting patients. She had an extremely high fever of 104.6 degrees and a fast heart rate (tachycardia) of 130 beats per minute, and appeared to be going in and out of consciousness. She was rushed to a treatment room, where doctors and nurses began resuscitation.  Our patient exhibited altered mental […]

ADP Celebrates 100th Delivery

Nemours’ Advance Delivery Program is designed for healthy moms-to-be whose babies will need complex care from the moment they’re born.

Should Parents Worry About Parechovirus?

It may feel like viruses are in the news a lot these days. And perhaps you just heard about parechovirus (puh-REH-ko-veye-rus). Well, it turns out that parechovirus isn’t new! What Is Parechovirus? Parechovirus is a virus that’s been around for many years. Parechovirus infection is pretty common, especially in kids. Did you know that most kids get a parechovirus infection by the time they turn five years old? You probably weren’t even aware if your child has had a parechovirus infection. That’s because kids usually have no symptoms or just mild ones.  Parechovirus can spread when someone comes in contact with infected poop or infected droplets of saliva or mucus that come out in a cough or sneeze. It can also spread when someone touches a contaminated surface or object. Symptoms of parechovirus infection are like symptoms that come with other cold viruses, such as a sore throat, runny nose, […]

What to Know About the Dangers of High Potency Marijuana

Recent studies show an alarming increase in the number of teens vaping marijuana (“dabbing”). About a third of high school seniors and half of college students report using marijuana in the past year. And the vast majority are vaping it. This is not the marijuana of the past. It is much stronger and can cause serious emotional and physical problems.   If you are a parent of a teen, you don’t need the studies to tell you that vaping is on the rise. You are hearing about it in the media, have probably heard your kids talk about it, and may even be dealing with your own child vaping. It’s a whole new world for parents to learn about, but by learning the facts you can start a conversation with your child or teen and keep it going as they grow.   Here is some information about the marijuana of […]

A Tale of Two Roccos- Father & Son Kidney Transplant

Rocco started his freshman year in September 2021, excited to be in high school and ready for a new school year. Two weeks into the school year, Rocco and his family went to their favorite skate park. Rocco fell off his skateboard and injured his leg. His parents took him to the emergency room, where they found out he fractured his right ankle. During his workup in the emergency room, the care team noticed that Rocco’s blood pressure was high. Stacey, Rocco’s mom, initially did not think much of it, considering he had just broken his ankle. But the ER nurse was very insistent that they make a follow up appointment with Rocco’s pediatrician. Stacey took note and monitored Rocco’s blood pressure over the next few days. When Rocco’s blood pressure did not return to normal, Stacey immediately made an appointment with their pediatrician. At the pediatrician’s office, Stacey made […]

Layers of Protection, Including Swim Lessons, Help Prevent Child Drownings

The pandemic has put many children behind on swim lessons. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) is alerting parents that swim lessons for children over 1 year are an important part of the layers of protection that can help prevent drownings. So, schedule those swim lessons for your kids and use all these layers of protection to help prevent drownings: Water Watcher There should always be an adult water watcher while children are in and around a pool. For young children and beginner swimmers, the water watcher should be within arm’s length. For older children who can swim, the water watcher should have their eyes on the children at all times. The water watcher should not be using a cellphone, socializing, drinking alcohol, or doing anything else that might be distracting. At a party, have adults take turns as water watcher. Even if a lifeguard is on duty, a water […]

Wait No More: Nearly All Kids Can Now Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

Many parents are breathing a sigh of relief that they can finally get their babies, toddlers, and preschoolers vaccinated against COVID-19. Two brands of the vaccine have now been authorized for children as young as 6 months old, so the little ones can now join the ranks of people ages 5 and up who have helped protect themselves. So does your young child really need a COVID-19 vaccine? After all, younger children often have milder illness when they get infected. The answer is a resounding “yes,” since many young children have had serious symptoms requiring hospitalization, and some have even died. Small children can even develop long COVID, with symptoms that bother them for a long time. Parents might also wonder why it took so long for the vaccines to be authorized for this age group. It took a long time to get the vaccines authorized for young children because […]

Overcoming Scoliosis- Alexis’ Spine Story

Contributed by Alexis. At the age of twelve when I hit puberty, my back started bothering me a lot. I made an appointment with my pediatrician, where I learned I was developing scoliosis. She referred me to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, where I met with pediatric orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Suken Shah for further examination. After an x-ray, we found that I had two curves measuring 22 and 23 degrees. A few months later, I received a brace to prevent my spine from getting worse. My scoliosis made my hips so off-balance that it affected my legs. I was also given a lift to wear in my shoe because my left leg was about an inch shorter than my right leg. I was supposed to wear the brace at least 18 hours a day, but I usually wore it for about 23 hours a day. I ended up wearing the brace […]

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