For most infants, spitting up is an inevitable part of life. But for their parents, deciphering how much spit-up (or reflux) is acceptable can be confusing. Is there such a thing as too much spit-up? First, let’s talk about the normal aspects of infant reflux. Normal or physiologic reflux can start somewhere around two to four weeks and occur several times a day. Reflux hits a peak around four months, and usually resolves somewhere between 6 months and 1 year of age. Only about 1% of infants still experience symptoms at 1 year of age. One reason your infant may be having reflux is that the band or sphincter around the lower part of your child’s esophagus has intermittent periods of relaxation. When the sphincter is relaxed, food and fluids are more likely to come back up. If your infant continues to be mostly happy and comfortable, has a good […]