Guest Contributor, Author at Nemours Blog - Page 28 of 28

Guest Contributor

How Much Spit-up Is Too Much? from the experts at Nemours Children's Primary Care

How Much Spit-up Is Too Much?

For most infants, spitting up is an inevitable part of life. But for their parents, deciphering how much spit-up (or reflux) is acceptable can be confusing. Is there such a thing as too much spit-up? First, let’s talk about the normal aspects of infant reflux. Normal or physiologic reflux can start somewhere around two to four weeks and occur several times a day. Reflux hits a peak around four months, and usually resolves somewhere between 6 months and 1 year of age. Only about 1% of infants still experience symptoms at 1 year of age. One reason your infant may be having reflux is that the band or sphincter around the lower part of your child’s esophagus has intermittent periods of relaxation. When the sphincter is relaxed, food and fluids are more likely to come back up. If your infant continues to be mostly happy and comfortable, has a good […]

Kids and Cholesterol: What Parents Need to Know Now from the experts at Nemours Children's Health System

Kids and Cholesterol: What Parents Need to Know Now

Pediatricians have been getting a lot of bad news about their patients lately: More children at younger ages are developing high cholesterol. I certainly don’t need to tell you that obesity is an epidemic in the United States. Obesity and a family history of high cholesterol levels certainly play a significant role in the development of childhood hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels). However, you should know that not all children with high cholesterol are obese — or even overweight. Over the last 40 or so years, research has shown that the atherosclerotic** changes that can lead to cardiovascular disease (CVD) begin early in life (as early as 2 years old) and continue to progress throughout life***. We know that genetics play an important role in susceptibility to early CVD, but factors like diet and excercise are just as important in determining the progress of the disease. And in some cases, an […]

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