When Leah was 16, she couldn’t think of a single reason to live. Leah was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes the previous summer, and since then, she and her parents had been constantly fighting about what she ate, her diabetes care, and how she spent her time. Leah started cutting herself to cope with the stress of her diagnosis and her relationship with her parents. Things only seemed to get worse. She felt like she couldn’t really trust the few friends that she had, and she seemed to always be fighting with her peers and teachers. When her girlfriend broke up with her, she decided she was “done.” Leah was hospitalized after an overdose, but during her inpatient stay, she was introduced to a psychologist from Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware. This psychologist suggested that Leah might benefit from participating in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, one of the few interventions proven helpful […]