Raising Awareness Archives - Nemours Blog

Raising Awareness

Nemours Children’s Health and the Elizabeth Dole Foundation Announce Healthcare Provider Training to Care for Military and Veteran Caregiving Youth

Nemours Children’s Health and the Elizabeth Dole Foundation are pleased to announce the national release of Caring for Children and Teens in Military Caregiving Families, a continuing education course to increase healthcare providers’ ability to understand and support the unique needs of children in military families. The three-part training is designed for primary, specialty, and behavioral health care providers and care team members who see children and teens from military and veteran caregiving families. The recommendations offered in the training were informed by more than 200 survey and focus group responses from parents and guardians of children and teens growing up in military caregiving homes as well as the experts featured in the presentation. The course is intended to provide a high-level overview. It is supplemented by a resource document with links for taking a deeper dive into topics addressed in the modules. The course is available via the continuing […]

Nemours Children’s Health Celebrates National Farm to School Month with Early Care and Education Programs

Nemours Children’s supports Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) across the country. In honor of National Farm to School Month, the National Office of Policy and Prevention is highlighting three states that are improving child care program environments for young children through Farm to ECE activities. This month thousands of schools, child care programs, farms, communities, and organizations across the United States celebrated food education, school gardens, and meals made with healthy, local ingredients. Farm to ECE is a set of strategies and activities for programs that serve young children ages birth to five. Farm to ECE focuses on increasing access to three core elements: local food sourcing, on-site gardens, and food and farming education. These activities teach children about healthy food by engaging all five senses and can increase their fruit and vegetable intake, as well as their willingness to try new foods (CDC). Through the Healthy Kids, […]

What to Look for in a Cancer Center for Your Child

Discover essential tips for choosing the best cancer center for your child. Learn about advanced treatments, support services, and the importance of a comfortable, caring environment at Nemours Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.

National Speech-Language Pathologist Day: Finnegan’s Story

In 2022, after his parents began to notice a stutter in his speech, Finnegan went to Nemours Orlando Outpatient Therapy Services to seek help. It was then that his speech therapist discovered that Finnegan had a disfluency. They recommended he work with Michelle Bartlett, SLP as that is her area of expertise. “Michelle has consistently approached every session with passion and care.  She truly wants Finnegan to succeed,” says Lauren. During his first episode of care with Michelle, Finnegan struggled to make progress. However, once Finnegan started his second episode of care, “It seemed like a light bulb sort of went off for him,” says Lauren. “All of a sudden, he really started to use the tools that he and Michelle would practice.” “They made his sessions so fun for him,” says Lauren. “Whatever he was interested in that week, whether it was Cars or PJ Masks or Lion King, […]

Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month: Gray’s Story

Two days after his birth, Gray started having gastrointestinal complications. It was found that his lower intestine was in a knot and his meconium was so compacted, the surgeons’ tool couldn’t clear it out. Gray was immediately admitted to the NICU and taken in for emergency surgery, before his mother was even discharged from the hospital. Six days after he was born, “We ended up getting a call from Nemours Pulmonology confirming Gray’s diagnoses of Cystic Fibrosis. They told us that he has ‘double delta f508’ and that he has one of the most common genetic mutations for CF,” says Gray’s mother, Lauren. “The phone call was brief, and everything was a blur. We were told that his mutation qualified for really good treatments and that he would have a good prognosis!” “Gray was born with a common condition in children with cystic fibrosis called meconium ileus in which a […]

Olivia’s Story – Trisomy 18 Awareness Day

Brooke Renton’s life changed substantially when her daughter, Olivia, was born in March 2021, both in the physical sense (the family permanently relocated from Tallahassee to an Orlando suburb to be closer to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida) and in the emotional sense when she knew she would do anything for her sweet baby girl.   Born with a rare chromosomal condition called Trisomy 18 at a hospital in Tallahassee, Olivia had to be on a ventilator for the first 11 days of her life. The day before she was supposed to go home, doctors had to perform lifesaving CPR and place Olivia back on a ventilator. Olivia’s heart was “pouring blood into her lungs” due to a hole in her heart known as a ventricular septal defect. NICU doctors in Tallahassee told the family that Olivia would need a specialized center that performed advanced pediatric heart surgery to correct the issue. Due […]

Personal Trainers and Athletic Trainers: What is the difference?

Personal TrainersPersonal trainers are found in gyms, health clubs, and even online as fitness influencers. Their goal is to help the general public achieve their fitness goals. Their clients can range anywhere from beginners to body builders, and they usually require a fee. Personal trainers are a great resource for cardio exercises, weightlifting techniques, and nutrition advice. There is no degree required to be a personal trainer. However, many have certifications that allow them to evaluate their clients and recommend exercises and nutrition regimens. While personal trainers are a very helpful asset to a person’s health and wellness, their role differs greatly from athletic trainers. Athletic TrainersAthletic trainers can be found in high schools, colleges, orthopedic offices, physical therapy clinics, hospitals, professional sports teams, military sites, and even in corporate and industrial settings. They provide athletes of all ages with preventative services, emergency care, therapeutic interventions, clinical diagnosis, and injury […]

Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month: Logan’s Story

During the first trimester of her pregnancy, Christine Miller learned her son, Logan, was diagnosed with congenital cytomegalovirus infection (CCMV). Christine was told that her son was dying in utero and would likely not survive the birth. Since the CCMV diagnosis, the Miller family has been in constant contact with the infectious disease department at Nemours Children’s Health. At 32 weeks pregnant, Christine underwent an emergency C-section and Logan was born, weighing just 3 pounds. Immediately following birth, multiple calcifications were discovered on Logan’s brain. At this time, Logan was also diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Fast forward 18 years, Logan and the Miller family still have a very close relationship with Nemours. In 2021, Logan had his first appointment with Dr. Shrader (Dr. Dabney followed Logan since birth). At first, Dr. Shrader was very pleased with Logan’s movement and progress from his previous hip surgeries. “But after talking with him […]

Raymond’s Story (In Mom’s Words)

My name is Alex Gaudlap. Also known as Raymond’s mom. Our journey with Nemours Children’s Health started in the fall of 2017 when we relocated back to New Jersey from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina due to Raymond not hitting developmental milestones appropriately. The doctors down South assured me Raymond was fine, but my motherly instinct told me he wasn’t. From the moment we stepped foot into Nemours Children’s, I felt like our concerns were listened to. Raymond’s first appointment at Nemours was with a neurologist in the Deptford location. Since we were new patients and basically starting from the beginning with tests, she ordered a routine EEG. We never would have thought that his first test would give us answers, but it did. Raymond was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy; that gave us some indication to why he had a global developmental delay. After receiving the epilepsy diagnosis, […]

Journey’s Microtia Story – Mother’s Words

Emily Baez remembers being in the delivery room when she noticed that something was different about her newborn daughter’s ear. “You count toes, you count fingers, but you don’t think for a second to check any other body part… especially an ear,” she says.   Microtia is a rare birth defect in which the external ear is not completely developed. It affects about one in every 5,000-7,000 babies born annually. “When she was born, I didn’t know anything about it, I had never heard of microtia, so I started with social media first,” she says. This is when Emily became involved in The Ear Community online, searching hashtags and connecting with other affected families. “It actually helped make my grieving process a lot better.” After struggling to identify a health care provider that accepted their insurance, Emily found Nemours Children’s and instantly knew she was in the right place to […]

Esperanza de un Guerrero – La Historia de Sebastian

En mayo de 2022, Sebastián llego triste de la escuela. Estaba yo preocupada por él. Pensé que tal vez alguien era un bully, pero me aseguró que estaba inusualmente cansado. Al día siguiente era lo mismo, y tenía fiebre, así que lo llevé al médico que le diagnosticó una infección de estómago y le recetó antibióticos. Mejoró, pero no pasó mucho tiempo antes de que regresaran los mismos síntomas. Fuimos a otro médico que dijo que era lo mismo y nos recetó aún más antibióticos. Me pregunté cómo podría ser una infección del estómago si no tenía síntomas gastrointestinales, pero seguí lo que dijo el médico. Pero luego se agregó la respiración rápida a sus síntomas y supe que algo más estaba pasando, así que esta vez lo llevé al hospital. La respiración era tan rápida que me asustó. Pensaron que era bronquiolitis y prescribieron un tratamiento con nebulizador. Cuando […]

Hope of a Warrior – Sebastian’s Story

To read this in Spanish, click here! One day in May of 2022, Sebastian came home sad after school, causing me to worry about his unusual behavior as he is a very happy child. I asked Sebastian if something was wrong and if he was being bullied at school. He assured me he was just unusually exhausted. The following day, Sebastian was in the same down mood, but had a fever this time. I took Sebastian quickly to our local doctor, where he was diagnosed with a stomach bug and prescribed antibiotics. He eventually felt better, but not much time passed before the same symptoms returned. We went to another doctor who gave him the same diagnosis and prescribed more antibiotics. I wondered how it could be a stomach bug if he had no GI symptoms, but I followed the doctor’s advice. Rapid breathing was later added to Sebastian’s symptoms, […]

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