Eloise, a dynamic and determined young girl, received a diagnosis of cerebral palsy just before her second birthday. After Eloise celebrated her first birthday, her parents assumed she would start walking soon, but as each month passed by, despite their initial hopes and patience, Eloise had still not taken her first steps. Her parents recall the pivotal moment when, at 18 months, Eloise was referred by her primary care physician for evaluations and specialized care. Their journey led them to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware where Eloise underwent a series of comprehensive evaluations, including MRI, EKG, and X-rays. While the test results appeared normal, Eloise was diagnosed with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy due to her muscle spasticity and gait difficulties. Eloise’s family learned to their surprise that in a majority of cases, the specific cause of cerebral palsy is unknown. Eloise took her first steps shortly before her 2nd birthday, albeit […]