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Interdisciplinary Care: Nia’s Story

Erica and Antoine Shoemate vividly remember the moment they discovered Erica was pregnant with Nia. It was February 2017, and despite a recent visit to a fertility specialist confirming she wasn’t expecting, she received the surprising news. “I was very shocked, confused, surprised,” Erica shares. This was just the beginning of a remarkable journey filled with challenges and triumphs. Nia’s journey took an unexpected turn during a routine 20-week anatomy scan when she was measuring behind. Initially, doctors thought it might be due to Erica’s petite stature, but a visit to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist revealed a different story. Nia was initially misdiagnosed with short rib polydactyly syndrome, and Erica was advised to terminate the pregnancy. “At this point, I felt like I had to get out of that hospital’s doctor’s office. I felt the walls were closing in on me,” Erica says. After receiving the diagnosis, Erica and Antoine […]

Back in the Saddle: Alyson’s Story

16-year-old Alyson was living her dream of competing in horse shows with her beloved horse, Epsilon. That all changed in May 2024, when one routine jump ended in a painful fall. Alyson landed hard on her right leg, and in an instant, she knew something was wrong. “Immediately I was in a lot of pain,” Alyson recalls. “The EMT helped me out of the ring, but I couldn’t walk any further. My mom took me to the closest hospital where they told me I fractured my leg and may need surgery. I was so disappointed and discouraged because I was not going to be able to ride or compete for a long time.” For Alyson, an injury that would require surgery and months away from riding was a devastating blow. Referred by her initial doctor, Alyson’s journey led her to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida, and into the care of Dr. […]

World CP Day: Aryia’s Story

At just 7 years old, Aryia has already shown remarkable strength and resilience on her journey with cerebral palsy. Diagnosed at 10 months, Aryia has faced her challenges head-on with the help of her dedicated family and the orthopedic team at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida. It all started when Nina, Aryia’s mother, noticed something unusual after bringing her newborn daughter home. “Her legs would jerk constantly,” Nina recalls. But due to Aryia’s premature birth, doctors were hesitant to give a diagnosis right away. After a few months of evaluations, Aryia was officially diagnosed with cerebral palsy in September 2017. Before moving to Florida, Aryia’s family faced an overwhelming and complicated care plan while living in New York City. They frequently traveled between specialists, even going as far as Philadelphia for medical appointments. “Aryia’s muscle spasms caused her to cross her legs excessively, preventing her from standing or walking. We were […]

Lincoln’s Journey with Dwarfism (In Mom’s Words)

In 2019, while pregnant with my second son, we learned that he would be born with dwarfism. Though both my husband and I are on the short side of average height, we did not have a lot of experience with dwarfism and were unsure of how that would impact our son’s quality of life. We did what all parents would do and learned as much as we could about dwarfism and connected with other families. In June of 2019, Lincoln was born 12 weeks early due to other pregnancy complications. His dwarfism diagnosis became an afterthought, and the focus became getting him to eat and breathe on his own as we struggled through an extended NICU stay. After being released from the NICU, Lincoln was followed by a local pediatrician and medical team, but after having a short-term episode of paralysis at 2 years old, they referred us to Nemours […]

Back in the Game: Zander’s Story

Zander, an aspiring college football player, first crossed paths with Nemours Children’s Health after suffering a game-related injury. As luck would have it, Dr. Julia Fink, Nemours’ orthopedic specialist, was the team doctor on the field. After the game, Dr. Fink brought him in for an X-ray and MRI, setting the course for his recovery. The injury turned out to be an acromioclavicular joint separation (AC joint separation), which worsened during the state football championship game. Zander’s team went on to win the game, but his shoulder pain lingered, especially with throwing, even after physical therapy. To resolve the issue, Dr. Fink performed an AC joint reconstruction. Following surgery, Zander was in a sling for six weeks and underwent three months of physical therapy. By May, he was able to start his throwing program, and by August, he was ready to kick off the football season, stronger than ever. From […]

A Journey with Scoliosis and Chiari Malformation: Carter’s Story

When he was 9 months old, Carter’s parents began to notice something unusual about their son’s posture. His torso seemed to be veering in a different direction while standing upright. Concerned, they sought answers from Carter’s pediatrician, who referred them to pediatric orthopedic surgeon Dr. Suken Shah, Division Chief of the Nemours Spine and Scoliosis Center, and the Shands/MacEwen Endowed Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware. Here, Carter received a diagnosis of Early Onset Scoliosis and Chiari malformation. Scoliosis is a condition where the vertebrae in the spine form a curved line instead of being straight. Larger curves can lead to joint damage, arthritis, and pain, often requiring treatment such as back braces or surgery. Chiari malformation occurs when the cerebellum pushes downward through the foramen magnum, the opening at the base of the skull. It can cause symptoms such as headaches, balance issues, and numbness. Sometimes, […]

A New Little Man: Joshua’s Story

Joshua, now 6 years old, was diagnosed with SMA Type 1 while still in utero. This condition, characterized by muscle weakness and atrophy, led to neuromuscular scoliosis, which was first observed when he was about 11 months old. He currently receives treatment from Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida. For the first few years of his life, Joshua’s condition was a constant battle. “Joshua wore a back brace for at least 4.5 years, 24/7, with breaks only for bathing,” recalls his grandmother, Claudia. The brace was necessary to manage his scoliosis, but it made sitting up uncomfortable and exacerbated respiratory issues common in children with SMA. “Every cold or flu he caught turned into a hospital stay and intubation on several occasions,” shares Claudia. “SMA can cause respiratory distress, but the fact that Joshua’s lungs were restricted from growth because of scoliosis made it so much worse.” A pivotal moment in Joshua’s […]

Coordinated Care: Micah’s Story

Micah’s journey began with some unexpected twists and turns, before he even entered this world. “Before Micah was born, we received the news that he might have Down syndrome through routine blood work during pregnancy,” shares his mother, Kaitlyn. “It was a whirlwind of emotions, but we leaned on the support and expertise of Nemours from the very beginning.” Kaitlyn’s family have been seeing providers at Nemours Children’s throughout the Delaware Valley ever since her firstborn arrived prematurely. Her GYN office recommended Nemours Children’s, and they found the care to be exceptional, so they continued with Micah’s treatment there. It was his team at Nemours that diagnosed Micah with Trisomy 21, commonly known as Down syndrome, along with clubfoot and a cardiac concern – coarctation of the aorta. Nemours became their beacon of hope, with a multidisciplinary team ready to address Micah’s complex needs. From the Trisomy 21 Clinic to […]

A Fulfilling Adventure: Julieta’s Story

When Julieta was just 1 month old, she was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 1 (SMA Type 1). SMA is a rare genetic condition that causes muscle weakness and atrophy, significantly impacting Julieta’s ability to walk, sit up, and control her head movements. It also affected her ability to speak and eat. Julieta’s mother, Melissa, recalls the initial shock and heartbreak that accompanied the diagnosis: “After I got the call with her results, I was told by five neurologists that she was not going to make it past 1 year of age. Obviously, this put me in a sad and grieving mental state. We as a family were devastated.” Shortly after receiving her diagnosis, Julieta was referred to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida by a neurologist in Miami. “After I visited Nemours and felt finally safe and with big hopes for my daughter, I went back to Dr. Miller in […]

Capable of Anything: Riley’s Story

Riley’s diagnosis with cerebral palsy became apparent when her family noticed she wasn’t hitting the typical milestones. “I was not walking at 18 months old,” she recalls. “It was recommended that I have an evaluation by PT and OT specialists after seeing my pediatrician,” leading to her diagnosis of cerebral palsy shortly after. Prior to treatment at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, Riley faced the challenges of cerebral palsy. “I had very big bunions on both feet, which made walking and running long distances very painful,” she shares. “I had a very limited range of motion due to my CP, that made running, walking, and swimming difficult on my muscles. I couldn’t wear a lot of shoes, like sandals and flats.” However, Riley’s life took a turn for the better when she discovered Nemours Children’s in Wilmington, Delaware through the recommendations of peers who had undergone similar journeys. “My family found […]

The Comeback: Maddy’s Story

For elite gymnast Maddy, the journey to greatness wasn’t without its hurdles. But with determination and the expert care at Nemours Children’s Health, Maddy is back on her feet, ready to conquer the mat once again. Maddy’s athletic career took an unexpected turn on January 25, 2023, during a routine practice session at Temple University. A gymnast on the collegiate team, she faced a setback that would challenge her both physically and mentally—a ruptured Achilles tendon. Before receiving treatment at Nemours Children’s, Maddy experienced the full weight of her injury. “I was unable to walk, move my foot in any direction, and do everyday activities like go to class,” she recalls. “I was also in an abundance of pain every day that led to many mental breakdowns.” Having received treatment from Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville for years growing up, she knew she would get exceptional care for her new injury. […]

Enjoying Each Moment: Alek’s Story

Alek is a courageous patient whose journey with severe kyphoscoliosis led him across the globe to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware. Kyphoscoliosis is a dangerous condition that affects the spine. It causes an abnormal curve in two directions, side to side and front to back. It is a combination of two other conditions: kyphosis, which causes a severely rounded appearance of the back, and scoliosis, where the vertebrae form a curvature instead of being straight. Alek’s diagnosis unfolded in Poland in 2010 when he was a young boy. The road ahead seemed daunting as his condition gradually worsened. “Before starting treatment at Nemours Children’s, Aleksander’s condition was very bad,” shares his family. “He had trouble with breathing and couldn’t eat and walk. He lived in chronic pain.” It wasn’t until after a failed operation in Poland that Alek’s family discovered Nemours Children’s. Referred by their physician in Poland, Alek and his […]

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