Dr. Steven Andreoli and Dr. Gary Josephson discuss and answer viewers’ questions about ear tubes.

Dr. Steven Andreoli and Dr. Gary Josephson discuss and answer viewers’ questions about ear tubes.
Swimmer’s ear (or external otitis or outer ear infection) is an inflammation and infection of the outer ear canal. It is different from otitis media in that it does not typically extend to the eardrum and is not usually associated with fever or other cold symptoms. However, like a middle ear infection, it can be extremely painful and your child may have pain when you touch the outer ear. But not all outer ear infections are caused by swimming. Here’s what you should know: What increases your child’s chances of getting external otitis? There are two main risk factors associated with external otitis: change in pH balance of the canal or trauma to the canal. Let’s start with the first, because this is where swimming pools come in to the discussion. Highly chlorinated pools can change the normal pH balance of the canal and break down its natural defenses. Humid […]
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