For Cameron Thackston, 17, what started as a pain in his foot in early 2023, turned out to be something much more serious. He and his mom, Alma, thought it could’ve been tendonitis, only his condition wasn’t improving. The sharp pains continued to the point where the family was forced to take a trip to the emergency room. After a few rounds of testing Cameron received the news. He was diagnosed with cancer. Mom was devastated. “I went into a panic,” she said. And Cameron? How did he take the news? He had one simple question for the care team. “Is it curable?” he asked. “Yes,” they said. “Cool,” he replied. With his primary diagnosis being T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, his mom admits she was scared. But the family only had one choice. Fight. After rounds of infusions and oral chemotherapy and hours spent on the Hematology-Oncology Floor at Nemours […]