Quote from mom: “Dr. Mehta, of course, is AMAZING! She is always happy and bubbly and she has the best laugh! We love it. She is so down to earth, but can be matter-of-fact when she needs to be, such as during this last visit with Aryana when she was discussing Aryana working – ha!” At around 24 weeks pregnant, my OB found fluid on Aryana’s kidneys and referred me to a specialist in Pensacola. I was told that this was normal, so I went alone. At the appointment, after many ultrasound images, the doctor abruptly shifted the conversation to Aryana’s heart. He gently explained that there was a hole in her heart, often seen in babies with Down syndrome, and suggested an amniocentesis for confirmation. A week later, I learned she had Trisomy 21 and was referred to Dr. Mary Mehta, whose caring team put me at ease. We […]