Throughout 8-year-old, Moksh’s life, his mother, Rina and her family, noticed something was different. “He wasn’t able to give a response when we called to him or clapped,” Rina recalls. Concerned, they sought answers from numerous doctors, and one thing became clear—Moksh needed cochlear implants. After a year of searching for answers to help with his hearing loss, Moksh underwent the life-changing surgery that would set him on a new path. Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida, became a critical part of that journey. After researching their options online and receiving recommendations from other doctors, Rina and her family turned to Nemours for their son’s care. What they found exceeded their expectations. “They are so intelligent,” says Rina about the audiology team. “They did a really good job with surgery and had accurate results. Everyone, from the nurses to the surgeons, were helpful and kind.” Moksh was born with profound sensorineural hearing […]