Nemours Blog - Page 23 of 33 - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System
Breaking Down the Nutritional Breakdown of Milk Varieties

Breaking Down the Nutritional Breakdown of Milk Varieties

When making a trip to the grocery store, milk is usually a staple on the shopping list. Over the years, milk has started to take up more and more real estate in the grocery store as different varieties have become available. A quick scan of the milk aisle can lead to confusion and curiosity about what milk should be chosen for your child. Gone are the days when cow’s milk was the only option! In general, milk varieties can be broken down into two main categories: dairy (cow’s) milk and dairy-free alternatives. However, not all dairy-free alternatives are nutritionally comparable to cow’s milk. Being familiar with the nutritional impact of changing to a dairy-free beverage helps to ensure that your child is still getting all of the nutrition that is provided from cow’s milk. What is the difference? Cow’s milk provides several important nutrients, including protein, fat, vitamin D, and […]

The Importance of Iron

The Importance of Iron

What is iron? Iron is a nutrient found in many proteins in the body. This includes hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen to tissues throughout the body for metabolism. Iron also supports brain and nerve development in infants and children.  How much iron does my child need? What foods contain iron? Meat, poultry, pork, fish Tofu Dried beans and peas Dried fruits (raisins, apricots) Dark leafy green vegetables Iron-fortified breakfast cereals, breads, and pastas Peanuts, cashews, walnuts, Brazil nuts There are two forms of iron in the diet: heme and nonheme iron. Heme iron is in animal products including meat, pork, fish, and poultry and is the most easily absorbed form of iron for the body. Nonheme iron is found in plant-based foods like grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. However, nonheme iron is not completely absorbed by the body. Its absorption may be enhanced when […]

8 Common Running Injuries

8 Common Running Injuries

Running is a sport that can be done all year long. For many young athletes, running is their after school sport of choice. Runners can compete in the fall, winter and spring in cross country, run indoor/outdoor track, and train in the summer. Whether a student is running throughout the year or during a specific season, all are prone to running-specific injuries. Shin Splints One of the most common injuries for runners are shin splints, caused by inflammation in the tissues, tendons, and bones in the shin (tibia). This overuse injury can be due to new or increased training. Pain along the tibia is associated with shin splints, as well as sharp or dull and throbbing pain and mild swelling. The pain can last both during and after running, and the area hurts to touch. People with flat feet or worn-out or improper footwear are more prone to shin splints. […]

Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe for Kids?, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe for Kids?

Most Americans consume some form of an artificial sweeter daily. This type of sugar substitute can used in a variety of packaged products from low-calorie flavored drinks to light flavored yogurts. The benefit of using artificial sweeteners is to help reduce the amount of added sugar in a product, which will also lower the total calories. A concern for parents and caregivers tends to be:  are they safe for children? Let’s breakdown some facts. What are artificial sweeteners and how are they regulated? Artificial sweeteners are known to give a more concentrated sweet taste to food and beverages. If using sugar substitutes at home it’s best to use less than you would of regular sugar.  Artificial Sweeteners are made by some means of chemical processing. They are high intensity sweeteners and tend to be hundreds of times sweeter than regular table sugar. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes an […]

What’s New in Sunscreen, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

What’s New in Sunscreen

With summer well underway, it’s important we remember to lather on sunscreen and cover up with brimmed hats, long sleeves, and sunglasses before heading out in the sun. But when picking a sunscreen, you may not be thinking about what type of ingredients in that sunscreen protect you from the sun. You may have heard about physical and chemical sunscreens. Both types have their own benefits and drawbacks, and it’s important to learn the difference between the two. No matter which kind of sunscreen you choose, it’s always important to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays. Physical Sunscreen Physical sunscreen (also known as mineral sunscreen) sits on top of your skin, so it’s not absorbed into the bloodstream. It acts as a barrier that blocks the sun’s rays. The active ingredients that are found in this type of sunscreen are zinc oxide and titanium oxide, both of which are […]

How to identify and treat eye emergencies in children, powered by Nemours Children's Health System

How to Identify and Treat Eye Emergencies in Children

Sports, toys and everyday household items have one thing in common: they can cause eye injuries in children. And in some cases, these injuries can become eye emergencies — situations that require immediate medical attention. The best way to treat eye emergencies is by preventing them in the first place. Be sure your kids use protective eyewear when engaging in sports, play only with age-appropriate toys and don’t have access to household chemicals and utensils. Still, even after you’ve taken these precautions, eye emergencies can happen. Here’s what to look for and what to do if your child experiences trauma to one or both eyes. Chemical exposure Dangerous chemicals are in nearly every area of our home, and if they’re not kept out of a child’s reach, they can cause permanent eye damage. One particularly dangerous culprit: detergent pods, whose bright colors are appealing to kids. “Children may try to […]

Measles: What You Need to Know, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Measles: What You Need to Know

You’ve probably heard the news lately about measles outbreaks in the U.S. Although the disease was declared eliminated here in 2000, there have been scattered outbreaks across the country in recent years. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have already reported more than 120 cases this year in New York, Texas, and Washington State. It’s important that parents understand the disease and what they need to do to prevent and spot it. Vaccinations: The Best Way to Prevent Measles Measles is caused by a virus, but it is not just a rash and a fever. It can cause serious health complications, especially in children younger than 5. About 1 in 4 people in the U.S. who get measles need to be hospitalized. 1 in 1,000 people with measles develop brain swelling, which can cause brain damage. 1 or 2 in 1,000 people with measles die, even […]

Rise & Shine: How to Rethink Your Morning Routine, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Rise & Shine: How to Rethink Your Morning Routine

Is your morning routine giving you and your kids a meltdown? Wouldn’t it be great if you could get the entire family up, fed, dressed, prepared for the day, and out the door without it becoming a stressful nightmare? Everyone, especially children, need some time to make the transition from sleep into the busy activity of the day. And many children don’t like to feel pushed. Having a clear morning routine structure in place can give your children a sense of trust, safety and security. If they know what to expect, they’ll be able to easily move through their responsibilities and start off the day the right way. Use these strategies to rethink your idea of morning activities. You’ll be more likely to stay on schedule and also support your kids becoming more independent.   Is the Whole Family Getting Enough Sleep? If everyone in your house gets enough sleep, […]

How to Encourage Your Teen to Report a Concussion, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

How to Encourage Your Teen to Report a Concussion

For most of us, getting medical care right away for a possible brain injury, such as a concussion, is an easy decision. But teen athletes often have a tougher time identifying when they need to stop and get help. Research has shown that as many as 50% of concussions go under-reported in youth sports. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that: 69% of high school athletes said they had played while having concussion symptoms 4 in 10 of these said their coach didn’t know they had a possible concussion These statistics are significant given the amount of children involved in organized youth sports. Why don’t youth athletes report concussions? They didn’t know they had one: While headache is often an easily recognized symptom, dizziness and nausea can be overlooked or linked to something else such as dehydration. Fear of loss of playing time. Not wanting to let […]

Family Meals Means a Healthy Family, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Family Meals Mean a Healthy Family

Do you have one (or several) picky eaters on your hands? As parents, we’ve all been there. If you’re concerned about what your child does or doesn’t eat, the solution to your mealtime woes could be as close as your kitchen table. Benefits of Family Meals Family meals provide a multitude of benefits like: allowing parents to act as role models helping to create a supportive environment that promotes healthy eating teaching children about proper nutrition. Children of families who regularly eat together are also less likely to be obese, exhibit behavior problems, or use drugs and alcohol as they get older. Plus, they’re closer with their parents, which is always a good thing! Plan Ahead! Meal planning can make getting meals to the table much easier. But you might be asking yourself “Where do I begin?” or “How can I do it when I juggle so many other things?” […]

‘I’m sorry, but I don’t think he’s going to make it.’

‘I’m sorry, but I don’t think he’s going to make it.’: Brody’s Story

As originally posted on “Love What Matters,” written and submitted by mom, Marcella Stanley “‘I’m sorry, but I don’t think he’s going to make it.’ My husband and I sat flabbergasted, the tears instantly streaming while I struggled to breathe. A room filled with nearly a dozen people stared awkwardly at us as we faced every parent’s worst nightmare. This was not how this day was supposed to go. We found out exactly four weeks prior, at our 20-week ultrasound, that our baby boy had a form of dwarfism. The initial concern was that it was a lethal condition, due to the severity of his skeletal abnormalities and how early they presented in the pregnancy. However, my amazing local OB and maternal fetal medicine physicians researched, and after painstakingly detailed ultrasounds, determined our son likely had a non-lethal skeletal dysplasia. His limbs were awfully short, but his chest was average […]

Giving the Right Toy: Gift Ideas for Kids of Any Age, Powered by Nemours Chiildren's Health System

Giving the Right Toy: Gift Ideas for Kids of Any Age

Play is extremely important in children’s social, mental,physical and emotional development so choosing the right toys to give to them can be challenging. When giving the right toy to a child, think of the toys as learning tools that should match their age, help them develop social and motor skills, and be stimulating, safe and fun. Choosing a gift that is both fun and educational can be difficult and will depend on what age and stage the child is in. Use this guide to help you find the perfect toys for the children in your life. Toys for Baby (Age 0 to 12 Months) During their first 12 months, babies are developing new motor skills, so as they grow, play becomes more coordinated and involved. At about four months, babies begin to reach for and grasp objects, like rattles. From six to seven months, they can transfer that rattle between […]

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