Nemours Blog - Page 13 of 33 - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

PedsAcademy: Educating Patients, Preparing Teachers

For children who are navigating serious medical concerns, staying on top of schoolwork can be challenging. That’s why the Hospital School Program at Nemours Children’s Hospital, FL, is dedicated to promoting educational success for children in our care. Our hospital-based teacher provides individualized instruction and school liaison services to support patients’ educational needs during hospitalization and upon return to school. The Hospital School Program is enhanced by our teacher internship program, called PedsAcademy®, for students enrolled at the University of Central Florida (UCF). PedsAcademy, developed in partnership between Nemours Children’s Health and UCF’s School of Teacher Education, is designed to better prepare future educators for teaching children with chronic and complex medical needs. Teacher interns from UCF provide individualized instruction to patients (PK-12) while receiving specialized training about how to support students affected by chronic health conditions. The PedsAcademy program enables Nemours to serve an increased number of patients, including their siblings, […]

Then There Were Twins

After dating for ten years and recently married, Brandi and Brian Jones were ready to have children. They had always dreamed of having twins – hoping for a “one and done” pregnancy – although multiples were not part of their family history. Both knew it wouldn’t be easy.  Brandi had been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which could make it challenging to get pregnant. Even with the diagnosis of PCOS, they prayed not only to get pregnant but to get pregnant with twins. To assess her fertility, Brandi’s OB suggested she get an ovulation test. No one was more surprised than Brandi herself when the test revealed her ovulation levels were off the charts.  Her OB confirmed she was pregnant with one baby. The couple was elated that God had answered their prayers. They soon began regular visits with their OB. At a routine ultrasound, two weeks later, Brian and […]

Meet Dr. Bevin Weeks and Dr. Ken Baker

In honor of Doctors’ Day, we’re shining a spotlight on this remarkable team of medical professionals! Dr. Ken Baker and Dr. Bevin Weeks are not only talented doctors, but also a married couple that both work for Nemours Children’s Health. When they were younger, both Dr. Baker and Dr. Weeks had positions working at Yale. While the Pediatric Cardiology Echo Lab and Pediatric Radiology reading room were located along the same hallway, they hadn’t actually met until a mutual colleague decided to introduce them. “Fun fact,” says Dr. Weeks, “This was back in the days when Dr. Moss also worked at Yale and it was his PA who was the mutual colleague!” In late 2019, the couple realized that Pensacola was home for them and made the decision to move back to Pensacola, FL. Dr. Weeks and Dr. Baker knew that they wanted to be part of Nemours and the […]

Meet Dr. Loren Berman and Dr. Jonathan Miller

This Doctors Day, we are highlighting duos that not only share a passion of caring for children but are also married! Power couple Dr. Loren Berman and Dr. Jonathan Miller are yet another great example of the many spectacular pairings working for Nemours Children’s Health. Jonathan and Loren first met while attending The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. “We became close when we were Anatomy class partners dissecting a cadaver together… Now here we are 22+ years later, with three kids who are all Nemours patients!” they say. After Loren completed her fellowship in Pediatric Surgery in Chicago, they both were recruited to come to Nemours Children’s in Delaware. This would be Dr. Berman’s first job as an attending surgeon and Dr. Miller was asked to lead the primary care practice in the Green Module. The pair have made impacts here ever since. Both doctors love working […]

Meet Dr. Gary Josephson and Dr. Patricia Solo-Josephson

In the world of medicine, it’s not uncommon for doctors to meet for the first time while in school, during their residencies, or even at a hospital! That’s how Dr. Gary Josephson and Dr. Patricia Solo-Josephson first met—in Miami, Florida at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Later, in the year 2000, Gary was offered an ENT position at Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville. The pair decided to make the move to Jacksonville from Miami and the rest is history! In 2016, Patricia also joined the Nemours Children’s team when she was offered to work as a pediatrician in the telemedicine division in Jacksonville. Today, Gary is the Chief Medical Officer of Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville and Patricia works in the Telemedicine Division of the Center for Health Delivery Innovation. Dr. Josephson and Dr. Solo-Josephson love the vision and mission of Nemours. They both cherish the opportunity to work for an organization who cares […]

Meet Dr. Maria Petrini and Dr. Francisco Vranic

Let us introduce Dr. Maria Petrini and Dr. Francisco Vranic, one of our many pairs of married doctors that work for Nemours Children’s Health! Dr. Petrini and Dr. Vranic met during their first pediatric residency program at a children’s hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dr. Vranic was a senior resident and Dr. Petrini was an intern. They bonded over their shared passion for pediatric medicine and the joy they found in caring for children. Upon their decision to move to the United States, Dr. Petrini was accepted to train in pediatrics at the Nemours Children’s/Thomas Jefferson University program and she stayed working at Nemours after graduation. A few years later, Dr. Vranic started his second training in pediatrics at the same program and took a position at the Saint Francis Primary Care office after graduation. Today, Dr. Petrini works as a primary care pediatrician at the Rockland Road Primary Care Office (Green Module) […]

A Few Months of Hard, For a Lifetime of Walking

At 18 months old, my physical therapist noticed I was showing early signs of a condition that needed attention as soon as possible. When my physical therapist suggested my family schedule an appointment with an orthopedic team, my family came to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware; I was diagnosed with diplegic cerebral palsy. I’m now 12 years old and love my care team at Nemours. Dr. Peter Gabos and Dr. Jason Howard mapped out a plan for muscle lengthening and surgical femur/tibia reconstruction. The road to recovery was both a mental and physical battle that I will never forget. Some days it’s a challenge getting around with leg braces and very tiring, but I’m determined. All the doctors and physical therapists are so nice and helpful. They push you to do more than you thought you could, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. I’m hoping that I […]

Just Keep Dancing — Summer’s Story

Tammy noticed her daughter’s size difference from a young age. Summer was consistently smaller than her peers growing up, but her parents and pediatrician never suspected a serious issue. When Summer was about 7 years old, the family took a trip to Disney. Unlike their previous vacations, Tammy and Erik realized that Summer was struggling to keep up. This behavior was concerning because it was not the norm for their bubbly, energetic daughter. Unfortunately, Summer’s limp worsened, she experienced immense stiffness and hip pain, and she struggled to do what she loves most: dance. After an attempt at physical therapy, many x-rays and testing, Summer was diagnosed with Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia (MED) in August 2020. MED is a rare genetic disorder that effects the development of the joints in the legs. Her doctors recommended Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware to see orthopedic surgeon Dr. Will Mackenzie and orthogeneticist Dr. Mike Bober. […]

Olivia’s Story – Trisomy 18 Awareness Day

Brooke Renton’s life changed substantially when her daughter, Olivia, was born in March 2021, both in the physical sense (the family permanently relocated from Tallahassee to an Orlando suburb to be closer to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida) and in the emotional sense when she knew she would do anything for her sweet baby girl.   Born with a rare chromosomal condition called Trisomy 18 at a hospital in Tallahassee, Olivia had to be on a ventilator for the first 11 days of her life. The day before she was supposed to go home, doctors had to perform lifesaving CPR and place Olivia back on a ventilator. Olivia’s heart was “pouring blood into her lungs” due to a hole in her heart known as a ventricular septal defect. NICU doctors in Tallahassee told the family that Olivia would need a specialized center that performed advanced pediatric heart surgery to correct the issue. Due […]

Raymond’s Story (In Mom’s Words)

My name is Alex Gaudlap. Also known as Raymond’s mom. Our journey with Nemours Children’s Health started in the fall of 2017 when we relocated back to New Jersey from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina due to Raymond not hitting developmental milestones appropriately. The doctors down South assured me Raymond was fine, but my motherly instinct told me he wasn’t. From the moment we stepped foot into Nemours Children’s, I felt like our concerns were listened to. Raymond’s first appointment at Nemours was with a neurologist in the Deptford location. Since we were new patients and basically starting from the beginning with tests, she ordered a routine EEG. We never would have thought that his first test would give us answers, but it did. Raymond was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy; that gave us some indication to why he had a global developmental delay. After receiving the epilepsy diagnosis, […]

Rare Disease Day: Reynolds’s Story (In Dad’s Words)

On December 8, 2017, my wife Ashley delivered our twins, Reynolds, and Campbell. She gets all the credit. I didn’t do any of the heavy lifting. We always knew that Baby A was larger than Baby B, but we didn’t know why. And we had no idea that there were going to be complications at birth. The boys were born at 36 weeks via C-sections, immediately whisked away and taken to the NICU. Reynolds was eventually transferred to another NICU, while Campbell just needed a little more time to grow. So, Reynolds and I left Ashley and Campbell to go to a children’s hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas, where we ultimately spent 103 days in that NICU. He had airway issues. He had cardiac issues. He had GI issues. And throughout that entire time in the NICU, doctors knew that there was some underlying reason causing these issues, but no […]

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