At 18 months old, my physical therapist noticed I was showing early signs of a condition that needed attention as soon as possible. When my physical therapist suggested my family schedule an appointment with an orthopedic team, my family came to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware; I was diagnosed with diplegic cerebral palsy.

I’m now 12 years old and love my care team at Nemours. Dr. Peter Gabos and Dr. Jason Howard mapped out a plan for muscle lengthening and surgical femur/tibia reconstruction. The road to recovery was both a mental and physical battle that I will never forget.
Some days it’s a challenge getting around with leg braces and very tiring, but I’m determined. All the doctors and physical therapists are so nice and helpful. They push you to do more than you thought you could, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

I’m hoping that I will be able to go to more places with my friends because I won’t have to worry about getting tired quickly from walking. I hope that I will be able to ski better because I will be able to put equal weight on each leg. I also hope to run faster and swim faster. I am excited about what my life will be like when I can walk without feeling judged!
If you have a similar condition, my advice is to have faith. The recovery from surgery was uncomfortable for the first couple of weeks, but I can assure you it does get better. Think about it, a few months of hard work for a lifetime of walking. The surgery is worth it. It changed my life forever and it can also change yours.