Myah has been a fighter since the day she was born. If two parents each have their own form of skeletal dysplasia, it is possible for their child to inherit both types. This was the case for lovely Myah who carries a diagnosis of both achondroplasia and Kniest dysplasia.

Given her complex medical needs, at 5 months of age her parents transferred her inpatient care across the country to Delaware to receive guidance from the Nemours skeletal dysplasia team.

She required coordinated multidisciplinary care from multiple specialists over her months-long hospital stay, which was possible given the specialized expertise of Nemours providers. Nemours offers care to individuals with skeletal dysplasia until the age of 35, so during Myah’s admission, her parents Brian and Alana also received multidisciplinary evaluations with the Nemours skeletal dysplasia team.

We cannot wait to see what the future holds for Myah and her family, and will be here to support them along the way!