Jeylainie’s life as a normal 9-year-old changed abruptly in September 2021. Her mother, Keyla, noticed that Jeylainie’s skin was turning yellow and becoming jaundiced. Soon after, Jeylainie started complaining of a stomachache that would not stop. Her mother took her to a local children’s hospital, where she was admitted. Her doctors initially thought she had kidney stones, then did a biopsy to determine what was wrong. But Jeylainie’s health continued to deteriorate rapidly. After her doctors spoke with Nemours Children’s Solid Organ Transplant team, Jeylainie was transferred to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware for more specialized care.

Jeylainie’s diagnosis was hepatitis, an acute inflammation that causes damage like scarring to the liver. Since her liver was so damaged, she needed a liver transplant quickly. Keyla says, “It was crazy – Jeylainie is a healthy eater who loves her veggies, it was surprising to see her health go downhill so quickly.” While Jeylainie and her family waited for a matching liver, she had her blood filtered every day to help perform the functions her liver could not.

In late September 2021, Jeylainie finally received her liver transplant and began her road to recovery. Despite a few initial complications, Jeylainie was sent home in early November and has remained healthy ever since. Jeylainie loves to help her siblings with their homework and do all of the TikTok dances, even after her surgery! Keyla says, “I am so grateful to the entire Nemours Children’s team for getting Jeylainie back to normal! She’s doing so well and we are so grateful for all the care she received at Nemours Children’s Health.”