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teenage girl having psychotherapy session at psychologist's office

Finding Hope: Leah’s Journey with Dialectical Behavior Therapy

When Leah was 16, she couldn’t think of a single reason to live. Leah was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes the previous summer, and since then, she and her parents had been constantly fighting about what she ate, her diabetes care, and how she spent her time. Leah started cutting herself to cope with the stress of her diagnosis and her relationship with her parents. Things only seemed to get worse. She felt like she couldn’t really trust the few friends that she had, and she seemed to always be fighting with her peers and teachers. When her girlfriend broke up with her, she decided she was “done.” Leah was hospitalized after an overdose, but during her inpatient stay, she was introduced to a psychologist from Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware. This psychologist suggested that Leah might benefit from participating in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, one of the few interventions proven helpful […]

A New Little Man: Joshua’s Story

Joshua, now 6 years old, was diagnosed with SMA Type 1 while still in utero. This condition, characterized by muscle weakness and atrophy, led to neuromuscular scoliosis, which was first observed when he was about 11 months old. He currently receives treatment from Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida. For the first few years of his life, Joshua’s condition was a constant battle. “Joshua wore a back brace for at least 4.5 years, 24/7, with breaks only for bathing,” recalls his grandmother, Claudia. The brace was necessary to manage his scoliosis, but it made sitting up uncomfortable and exacerbated respiratory issues common in children with SMA. “Every cold or flu he caught turned into a hospital stay and intubation on several occasions,” shares Claudia. “SMA can cause respiratory distress, but the fact that Joshua’s lungs were restricted from growth because of scoliosis made it so much worse.” A pivotal moment in Joshua’s […]

Reagan’s Epilepsy and CP Journey

Reagan’s journey with epilepsy and cerebral palsy has been strengthened by the care she received from Nemours Children’s and her advocacy efforts.

Savannah’s Cochlear Implant Journey

Born in November 2013, Savannah passed her initial hearing screening at birth, leaving her parents unaware of any hearing issues. It wasn’t until a playful moment during a game of telephone at age 6 that they discovered Savannah’s hearing impairment. Her father, Gabe, recalls the moment: “I whispered something into her left ear, and she said, ‘Oh no, Daddy, you have to whisper in my other ear. That ear doesn’t work.’” This revelation was the start of Savannah’s hearing journey. This casual game confirmed their initial suspicions. Gabe shares, “When she told us she couldn’t hear out of that ear, it made sense. She was always a loud talker, and her speech curled towards the ear that worked.” The family sought help from hearing specialists, but the initial results were disheartening. “We tried a hearing aid, but it only boosted her hearing from 4% to 12%. It just wasn’t enough,” […]

Happily, Boldly, Confidently: Kagan’s Story

At the age of 17, Kagan’s life took an unexpected turn when the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis manifested, leading her to the care of Nemours Children’s Health. Kagan’s diagnosis unfolded in early October 2021, just two months into her senior year of high school. Suffering from months of severe abdominal pain, bloody stools, rapid weight loss, vomiting, and more, Kagan’s health was severely affected. She was scheduled for a colonoscopy to address her symptoms, but upon having labs done in the preparation room, it was discovered that she was too iron deficient anemic to have the procedure. Kagan was then hospitalized at Wolfson Children’s Hospital. There, her care team from Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville diagnosed her with Ulcerative Pancolitis and she was scheduled to receive blood transfusions, later have a colonoscopy, and develop a treatment plan once. Overall, this resulted in a 9-day hospital stay. Before making that long trip […]

Jacksonville DiaBesties Camp: Evie’s Journey

Thanks entirely to the generous support of our donors, Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville, in collaboration with Wolfson Children’s Hospital, hosts the Jacksonville DiaBesties Camp. This free five-day camp — the only one of its kind in our community — provides kids with diabetes from Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia the opportunity to enjoy a traditional camp experience in a medically-safe environment. Our team of physicians, nurses, diabetes educators, social worker, psychologists, and volunteers donate their time to ensure this camp is accessible to all families, regardless of their resources. The benefits of camp are extensive and transformative. Children can spend time with others who understand their journey, fostering long-lasting relationships. They receive psychosocial support, increase their ability to manage their diabetes care independently, and more. Jacksonville DiaBesties Camp is not just a camp — it’s a community that allows children with diabetes to understand their disease better and learn how […]

Coordinated Care: Micah’s Story

Micah’s journey began with some unexpected twists and turns, before he even entered this world. “Before Micah was born, we received the news that he might have Down syndrome through routine blood work during pregnancy,” shares his mother, Kaitlyn. “It was a whirlwind of emotions, but we leaned on the support and expertise of Nemours from the very beginning.” Kaitlyn’s family have been seeing providers at Nemours Children’s throughout the Delaware Valley ever since her firstborn arrived prematurely. Her GYN office recommended Nemours Children’s, and they found the care to be exceptional, so they continued with Micah’s treatment there. It was his team at Nemours that diagnosed Micah with Trisomy 21, commonly known as Down syndrome, along with clubfoot and a cardiac concern – coarctation of the aorta. Nemours became their beacon of hope, with a multidisciplinary team ready to address Micah’s complex needs. From the Trisomy 21 Clinic to […]

A Beautiful Future Ahead: Joshua’s Story

Joshua’s story begins with his 20-week anatomy scan, which revealed signs of a lower urinary tract obstruction. Born with underdeveloped and cystic kidneys, he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. Holly, Joshua’s mother, recalls, “We were told before his birth that if he survived, he would need dialysis to bridge him to a kidney transplant.” “Joshua’s condition has been difficult since birth,” shares Holly. “He had frequent labs, appointments, hospitalizations, and dialysis. His treatments have always been a bridge to transplant. He was medically fragile which impacted the entire family. We have spent much of his life isolating and with limited activity. Despite all this, we know that God is good and we have relied on our faith to help us through the difficult years.” A pivotal moment in Joshua’s journey came when Nemours Children’s Health entered their lives. Recommended by their local medical team, Joshua’s family transitioned to care […]

A Fulfilling Adventure: Julieta’s Story

When Julieta was just 1 month old, she was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 1 (SMA Type 1). SMA is a rare genetic condition that causes muscle weakness and atrophy, significantly impacting Julieta’s ability to walk, sit up, and control her head movements. It also affected her ability to speak and eat. Julieta’s mother, Melissa, recalls the initial shock and heartbreak that accompanied the diagnosis: “After I got the call with her results, I was told by five neurologists that she was not going to make it past 1 year of age. Obviously, this put me in a sad and grieving mental state. We as a family were devastated.” Shortly after receiving her diagnosis, Julieta was referred to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida by a neurologist in Miami. “After I visited Nemours and felt finally safe and with big hopes for my daughter, I went back to Dr. Miller in […]

Capable of Anything: Riley’s Story

Riley’s diagnosis with cerebral palsy became apparent when her family noticed she wasn’t hitting the typical milestones. “I was not walking at 18 months old,” she recalls. “It was recommended that I have an evaluation by PT and OT specialists after seeing my pediatrician,” leading to her diagnosis of cerebral palsy shortly after. Prior to treatment at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, Riley faced the challenges of cerebral palsy. “I had very big bunions on both feet, which made walking and running long distances very painful,” she shares. “I had a very limited range of motion due to my CP, that made running, walking, and swimming difficult on my muscles. I couldn’t wear a lot of shoes, like sandals and flats.” However, Riley’s life took a turn for the better when she discovered Nemours Children’s in Wilmington, Delaware through the recommendations of peers who had undergone similar journeys. “My family found […]

Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness Month: Brody’s Story

Brody’s journey with Nemours Children’s began before he was even born. During a routine anatomy scan, Beth and her husband learned that one of their twins, Brody, would be born with a cleft lip and possibly a cleft palate. “I was pregnant with twins through IVF and was sent to Nemours Fetal Care,” shares Beth. “After finding out about Brody’s diagnosis, we did a lot of research and compared to teams in Tampa. After a facetime with Dr. Kellogg to ask him questions, we knew we found Brody’s doctor and team.” Upon Brody’s birth, he encountered difficulties due to his cleft lip and palate. “Prior to surgical intervention, Brody struggled with feedings; milk would come out his nose, he drooled a lot, and I don’t think he was able to hear well,” Beth shared. These challenges emphasized the need for specialized care, which they found at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida. […]

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