Esther’s journey with scoliosis began during a routine check-up in the summer of 2020. Her primary care physician discovered the curvature of her spine during a yearly visit, just as Esther was experiencing a growth spurt. Her provider quickly referred Esther to a specialist at Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville, where an X-ray confirmed the diagnosis. “I went to get X-rays and found out my spine was crooked,” Esther shares. “It was unexpected, but I’m grateful we caught it when we did.” Under the care of orthopedic surgeon Dr. Kevin Neal, Esther embarked on an 18 month journey, closely monitoring the progression of her curve, and exploring treatment options. In the beginning, Esther didn’t experience much pain. However, as the curvature of her spine progressed, approaching 60 degrees, the impact on her daily life became increasingly challenging. “Pain didn’t come until the curve progressed horribly over two years or so, and […]