“…finding a good pediatrician is really important. It’s because of [this] we were able to discover Luca’s milk allergy so quickly.” – Luca’s mom, Meghan Luca was diagnosed [with cow milk protein intolerance, GERD and soy allergy] at 3 weeks when Dr. Kelly Brower decided to test his stool for blood, which came back positive. This, along with other symptoms he was experiencing like low weight gain, inconsolable crying and excessive loose stools, confirmed the diagnosis. In those early weeks, we saw Dr. Brower once or twice a week for weight checks and lactation support. We have received nothing but exceptional care from Dr. Brower. We were so fortunate to see her for Luca’s first appointment after bringing him home. During that visit, she took the time to answer all our new-parent questions and even helped me with my breastfeeding challenges. I was struggling to get Luca to latch, and […]