Since 2018, Nemours Children’s Health has been funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help states create healthier early care and education (ECE) programs and state systems through the Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program (HKHF TAP). Throughout the five years and guided by the CDC’s Spectrum of Opportunities, Nemours Children’s engaged with 37 states and the District of Columbia through various programs to build capacity to improve nutrition and physical activity in ECE. Of those, Nemours Children’s partnered closely with 13 states to integrate healthy eating and physical activity best practices, such as opportunities for daily physical activity both indoors and outdoors into ECE program settings and broader state systems. State ECE systems include TA networks, professional development, licensing, Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS), and more. We celebrate the incredible work achieved by our partners over the past five years and are grateful […]