Nemours Blog - Page 8 of 33 - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Nemours Children’s Health Celebrates Five Years of the Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program  

Since 2018, Nemours Children’s Health has been funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help states create healthier early care and education (ECE) programs and state systems through the Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program (HKHF TAP). Throughout the five years and guided by the CDC’s Spectrum of Opportunities, Nemours Children’s engaged with 37 states and the District of Columbia through various programs to build capacity to improve nutrition and physical activity in ECE. Of those, Nemours Children’s partnered closely with 13 states to integrate healthy eating and physical activity best practices, such as opportunities for daily physical activity both indoors and outdoors into ECE program settings and broader state systems. State ECE systems include TA networks, professional development, licensing, Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS), and more.  We celebrate the incredible work achieved by our partners over the past five years and are grateful […]

From Immobility to Independence: Yanex’s Story

Yanex’s story began at just nine months old, when his primary care physician noticed something amiss. Keyshla, his mother, recalls that during a routine check-up, she expressed concerns about Yanex’s lack of developmental progress. He wasn’t attempting to sit or crawl, and his movements were limited to lifting his head when placed face down. However, it was Yanex’s head shape that raised the most concern for his doctor. During this check-up, Yanex’s physician ordered an X-ray. That day, the report arrived with a diagnosis of craniosynostosis. Craniosynostosis, a problem where one or more seams between bones in a child’s skull closes too soon, had a significant impact on Yanex’s life prior to treatment. “Yanex only looked comfortable when he was in the car seat, stroller, swing or while being held,” says Keyshla. “He was also exclusively breastfeeding for over a year. Yanex was not independent in the slightest, as if […]

22q Awareness Day: Jason’s Story

Jason’s story began with a seemingly innocent complaint, ear pain. Concerned for her son, Andrea Salicia vividly remembers the moment she first suspected something was wrong with her son Jason. While feeding him, she noticed that he was twitching, and it didn’t appear to be normal newborn behavior. A few days later, in a terrifying incident, Jason began gasping for air during a feeding, followed by a more severe twitch. Panicked, Salicia rushed him to the Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida emergency room. It was there that a nurse informed her that Jason’s “twitches” were actually seizures, prompting further investigation. This nurse also thought that he might have a condition called DiGeorge syndrome but didn’t want to say anything until it was confirmed. The medical team then performed a spinal tap and various tests, which led to a diagnosis of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, also known as 22q or DiGeorge syndrome, at […]

Associate Highlight: Shawn and Tammy

Shawn and Tammy Rolquin are a remarkable couple who share a dedication to making a difference in the lives of children and families. Tammy, a Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) Registered Nurse, and Shawn, the Manager of the Critical Care Transport Team and Transfer Center, both work for Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida. While they may have distinct roles within Nemours, the pair occasionally find their paths crossing. The surgical department where Tammy works overlooks the helicopter pad and ambulance bay, offering her an exciting viewing point. “When the timing is perfectly aligned for the both of us,” Tammy says, “I can watch Shawn take off or land in the helicopter. We get to exchange a quick wave and a smile. We are both usually quite busy, but this small occasional moment is very impactful and special for us.” Shawn and Tammy met in college through a mutual friend. “His truck broke […]

A Race to Remember: The Philadelphia Marathon

Nemours Children’s Health is the title sponsor for the Nemours Children’s Run as part of the 2023 Philadelphia Marathon Weekend on November 17-19. As part of our commitment to health and wellness, we recently raffled off five complimentary race bibs.  Tom Jones, Sarah Flynn, and Lauren Miller were our lucky winners of the Philadelphia Marathon Weekend race bib raffle! Get to know them with their cool stories below: Meet Tom Jones, Nemours Estate What does it mean to represent Nemours Children’s in this event?  I work over at Nemours Estate and just love my job. I get to work outside every day. It’s such a beautiful place, and I feel that I am a valued member of my team. I love the fact that Nemours is a sponsor at this race, I feel that these events are helping the community and are in line with our mission of well beyond medicine.  What is your favorite music to […]

Warning Signs: Gianna’s Leukemia

Join Gianna’s inspiring journey from a mysterious illness to a leukemia diagnosis, her tailored treatment at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware.

Arianna’s Journey with Bilateral Retinoblastoma (In Mom’s Words)

Para leer este blog en español, haz clic aquí! It all began when Arianna was just one year old. We noticed that one of her eyes was red and had a strange white spot in her pupil. Worried, we took her to her pediatrician, who immediately sensed that something was not right. We were referred to an ophthalmologist and then to a hospital, where she was diagnosed with a large mass in her eye. This mass was pushing her eye outward, so an emergency surgery was performed that same day to remove it. The surgery was successful, or so we thought. However, a few days later, the pathology results delivered the most devastating news: the mass was malignant. It was cancer. Arianna began chemotherapy treatment, going through six exhausting sessions. After that, she was discharged, but unfortunately, proper follow-up was not done to evaluate her other eye. Three years later, […]

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