Nemours Blog - Page 5 of 33 - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

From Patient to Pre-Med: Maddie’s Story

At 13 years old, Maddie Walsh was diagnosed with melanoma. This unexpected turn led her to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida, where she found a supportive community that became like family. Maddie’s journey began with the discovery of a change in a mole she had since childhood. A dermatologist family member recognized the signs and urged her to seek medical attention. Following a biopsy and consultations with various pathologists, Maddie received the diagnosis of malignant melanoma from Chief of the Division of Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery, Dr. Brian Kellogg. “I was 13 when I first heard I was going to see a plastic surgeon. I was very confused because I only knew them by the stereotypes on TV,” says Maddie. “However, I quickly learned that was far from what Dr. Kellogg and his team does. When I first heard the word ‘cancer,’ my mind jumped to the worst. I was terrified. […]

Donate Life Month: Jamaica Pediatric Living Related Donor Liver Transplant Program

Growing up in rural Jamaica, Dr. Judith A. Jones was inspired by the idea of helping others. In a community where the only female healthcare professionals she saw were nurses, her older brother’s encouragement sparked the realization that she, too, could become a doctor. “It reinforces for me to this day how a casual comment can change the trajectory of a child’s life, making things possible that were not previously dreamt of,” says Dr. Jones. “My big brother told me I could be a doctor, and so I did, because it was the way in which I believed I could help people. As a young girl, I had an overwhelming sense that I should help people when I grew up. My parents were incredibly hard-working and were professionals despite coming from humble beginnings. Their example and encouragement also led me to pursue medicine as my life’s work.” Her career led […]

Donate Life Month: Luca’s Story

From the moment he was born, Luca has been full of surprises. He entered the world in February 2022, a month earlier than expected. Anticipating a baby girl, complete with a gender reveal celebration, Luca’s parents were surprised by his arrival. Their anatomy scan’s mistaken prediction left them pleasantly surprised by their baby boy. Shortly thereafter, concerns arose regarding Luca’s kidney health, along with some unfavorable lab results. Luca was transported to the NICU and later taken to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware. “When the doctors at Inspira Mullica Hill started to get an inkling that Luca had serious kidney issues, they recommended right away that we be transferred to Nemours Children’s,” says his mother, Cory. “We appreciated their honesty so much, as they explained to us that they didn’t have the capability to deal with Luca appropriately. One doctor even said that if this was his child, he would have […]

A Heart to Remember: Brayden’s Heart Transplant Story

When Brayden was born, he was premature and was having a hard time gaining weight. His family took him to weekly weight checks with little to no change taking place. After a change of pediatricians, they were told he had a heart murmur. Brayden and his family were referred to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware for further evaluation with the cardiac team. Brayden was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, requiring the initiation of medication to observe his response. With additional testing, the diagnosis of Barth Syndrome was confirmed. Barth Syndrome is a rare condition that causes an enlarged and weakened heart, weakness in muscles, frequent infections, and more. Due to his inability to gain weight, a G-tube, otherwise known as a  Mickey button, was placed to provide extra calories and nutrition to Brayden which overnight feeds. Brayden received yearly cardiac catheterizations to monitor the function of his heart. In December 2014, when […]

Panel at Nemours Children’s Hospital Discusses Teen Mental Health and Social Media

Delaware students Maxine and Vivian Ruggerio aren’t immune to the allure of social media.  But they also believe that most teens are struggling to navigate the online world. From perfectly edited images to overtures from strangers, social media presents a minefield of challenging issues.  The sisters are working on an e-book to provide tips to teens who want to protect their mental health and personal safety while online. As they researched their book, they conducted a survey of peers, discovering that 100% of their respondents used social media. More than half said social media made them feel stressed or bad about themselves. And more than half felt that more controls are needed, such as added privacy or safety features.  Maxine and Vivian joined psychologists from Nemours Children’s Health, Delaware in a recent panel discussion on teen mental health and social media. Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings; Delaware State Rep. Krista […]

Donate Life Month: Everlee’s Story

Everlee’s story begins with a diagnosis of hepatoblastoma, a rare form of liver cancer, at the age of 17 months. Her mother, Jenna, recalls the moment when she first noticed something amiss with her daughter’s health. “It was right around Christmas of 2022,” says Jenna. As first-time parents, Jenna and Jarod couldn’t shake the feeling that Everlee’s belly seemed larger than normal. Despite reassurances from pediatricians, inklings of concern persisted, especially when family members echoed their observations. “Something just seemed off,” says Jenna. “I was giving her a bath one day, and I laid her out on the towel and thought, ‘Oh my gosh, she just looks so bloated.’” Alarmed, Jenna wasted no time in seeking medical attention. She was able to get Everlee in to see her local pediatrician at their last appointment for the day on Friday, January 13th. The routine examination led to the discovery of a […]

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