Nemours Blog - Page 33 of 33 - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System
9 Tips to Help Prevent Poisoning in Kids from the Experts at Nemours Children's Health System

9 Tips to Help Prevent Poisoning

Every year, about 3 million people – many, young children under age 5 – come into contact with poisonous substances. And most poisonings actually happen when parents or caregivers are home, says the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). If you’re like most parents, you’ve probably taken safety precautions in your home. All of those baby gates, locks and childproof caps can help protect your child from harmful substances – that is, when everything is going according to plan. But when little ones sneak out of sight or there’s an inevitable change in your routine – like family visits, babysitters, running late, parties, holiday get-togethers, etc. – those safety measures may not work as well as they would on an ordinary day. And when you visit other people’s houses (like grandma and grandpa’s), there’s no telling what kids will get into. The Most Common Poisoning Culprits medicines cleaning products liquid nicotine […]

8 Safety Tips for Your Child’s Hospital Stay from the experts at Nemours Children's Health System

8 Safety Tips for Your Child’s Hospital Stay

If your child is in need of a hospital stay, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of information, emotions and distractions that can come at you at a feverish pace. But your child’s support system should be consistent and calm — and that starts with you and your child’s entire family. National Patient Safety Awareness Week (March 13–19) is the perfect time to proactively think about how you could help your child’s hospital stays be as safe as possible. Here are some tips from Children’s Hospitals’ Solutions for Patients Safety to help prepare you, just in case: Be your child’s patient advocate. Don’t be shy or feel like you can’t speak up. Ask questions about your child’s care, raise any safety concerns, and/or ask caregivers to double-check their charts before they act. Write down your questions to make sure caregivers address them. Maybe say something like: “Excuse […]

Q&A: Zika Virus from the experts at Nemours Children's Health System

Zika Virus Q&A: What Parents Need to Know

It’s coming up on spring break time, when families, teens and young adults start planning travel to warmer climates. But with all of the buzz about Zika, you may have some questions. Here is what we know, for sure, right now. Q: What, exactly, is the Zika virus? A: Zika virus is a type of flavivirus, which is a family of viruses transmitted by ticks and mosquitoes. Although it’s been in the news lately, Zika was discovered in 1947 and is named after a forest in Uganda. Q: What are the symptoms and treatment? A: Most people (4 out of 5) don’t know they’ve been infected with Zika virus because they don’t have any symptoms. The 20 percent of people who do experience symptoms usually have a mild illness for about a week to 10 days, with fever, rash, joint pain and pinkeye (without the pus). Other common symptoms include muscle […]

Nutrition 411: National Nutrition Month — “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right” from the experts at Nemours Children's Health System

National Nutrition Month: “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right”

Spoiler Alert: Beet Pizza Crust Recipe Ahead (Yes, Really) National Nutrition Month is the perfect time to rethink eating habits – both yours and your child’s It’s a time to focus on the importance of making smart food choices and establishing healthy eating and physical activity habits. Healthy meals don’t have to be boring. The goal of this year’s theme, “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right,” is to help people enjoy all different types of food traditions and to appreciate the pleasures, great flavors and social experiences that food can add to our lives. Preparing Once-Avoided Foods in New, Fun Ways Just because you or your kids don’t like an ingredient, doesn’t mean you won’t like it prepared in another way. How many children say they “hate” tomatoes but will glad eat tomato sauce – or scoff at avocados, but scarf down guacamole? Baking, sautéing, steaming, broiling, grilling and stir-frying […]

Welcome to Promise

At Nemours Children’s Health System, we’re always looking for new ways to improve the well-being of all children and families, not just the ones we see in our clinics and hospitals. So, we’ve focused on building a conversation with parents throughout the country, to address the common (and not-so-common) health issues that so many of us face. We decided to do what any forward-thinking children’s health system would: we built a blog. Here, you’ll find wisdom, understanding and practical advice from our physicians and care teams. It’s all meant to address your everyday questions, and provide answers you can be confident in. We welcome your input, feedback and discussion, as well. It’s all part of what we’re here for. Get to know our doctors, browse a list of topics, and stop back often. We’ll post new insights on your child’s health every week. You may not always be able to call […]

Swimmer’s Ear: Summer’s Party Pooper

Swimmer’s ear (or external otitis or outer ear infection) is an inflammation and infection of the outer ear canal. It is different from otitis media in that it does not typically extend to the eardrum and is not usually associated with fever or other cold symptoms. However, like a middle ear infection, it can be extremely painful and your child may have pain when you touch the outer ear. But not all outer ear infections are caused by swimming. Here’s what you should know: What increases your child’s chances of getting external otitis? There are two main risk factors associated with external otitis: change in pH balance of the canal or trauma to the canal. Let’s start with the first, because this is where swimming pools come in to the discussion. Highly chlorinated pools can change the normal pH balance of the canal and break down its natural defenses. Humid […]

Kids and Cholesterol: What Parents Need to Know Now from the experts at Nemours Children's Health System

Kids and Cholesterol: What Parents Need to Know Now

Pediatricians have been getting a lot of bad news about their patients lately: More children at younger ages are developing high cholesterol. I certainly don’t need to tell you that obesity is an epidemic in the United States. Obesity and a family history of high cholesterol levels certainly play a significant role in the development of childhood hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels). However, you should know that not all children with high cholesterol are obese — or even overweight. Over the last 40 or so years, research has shown that the atherosclerotic** changes that can lead to cardiovascular disease (CVD) begin early in life (as early as 2 years old) and continue to progress throughout life***. We know that genetics play an important role in susceptibility to early CVD, but factors like diet and excercise are just as important in determining the progress of the disease. And in some cases, an […]

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