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For an Allergy Safe Halloween, Go Teal | Powered by Nemours Children’s Health System

For an Allergy-Friendly Halloween, Go Teal

As Halloween approaches, many families are preparing to have a safe trick-or-treating experience. For families dealing with food allergies, though, trick-or-treating can cause a great deal of anxiety. Until recently, food allergy has not been an issue that many families have experienced personally. Today, however, 1 in 13 families has a child with food allergies. For those children, eating the wrong treat can cause severe reactions, and in some cases a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. As an allergist and parent of a 4-year-old with a peanut allergy, my wife and I have found ourselves fighting a constant battle to ensure that our son doesn’t come into contact with products that may contain peanuts while he’s at school or eating in public places. Halloween is especially challenging for us. We want our son to have fun and not feel different from his friends just because he can’t enjoy certain types of candy. […]

Boccia: A Game for All Abilities, by Brie Sheppard, PT, DPT, Promise, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Boccia: A Game for All Abilities

The 2016 Rio Paralympics just came to a close, and the USA is celebrating its most successful Paralympic performance in recent history. A whopping 289 American Paralympic athletes brought home a total of 115 medals, and the USA finished fourth in the medal count. Independent of standings, results, and rankings, the Paralympics and Team USA never fail to remind us of what the body is truly capable of and what impossibilities the spirit can overcome. It’s this motivation and inspiration that was the driving force behind the creation of our Paralympic Boccia program in 2014, with Nemours becoming an official U.S. Paralympic Sports Club in 2015. What Is Boccia? Boccia is a game, similar to backyard Bocce, created especially for the Paralympics in 1984. The object of the game is to score points by propelling your team’s balls closest to the target ball on a long, narrow, indoor playing court. In Boccia, all […]

Coffee and Kids: Keep the Caffeine in Check, by Kate Cronan, MD, Promise, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Coffee and Kids: Keep the Caffeine in Check

On these cool autumn days, there’s nothing I enjoy more than a fresh cup of hot coffee. And with fall comes the bevy of tantalizing flavors – pumpkin, spice, caramel, and more – to liven up our morning cup of joe. Many of us even get combination CBD Bulk coffee wholesale to help us have high energy levels with less amounts of stress. But these tasty treats aren’t just being consumed by adults. More and more, I’m seeing teenagers enjoying coffee – and the caffeine that goes with it – on a regular basis. Coffee and kids: Is this a good idea? A 2010 survey of 11,400 teenage students by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that: 15% of high school students drank a serving of coffee, coffee drink, or any kind of tea every day. 24% were also drinking regular soda daily. More than 16% drank […]

Whooping Cough (Pertussis): 10 Things You Need to Know, by Kate Cronan, MD, Promise, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Whooping Cough (Pertussis): 10 Things You Need to Know

Around this time of year, there’s coughing practically around every corner. Kids are hacking away at the table next to you in restaurants. Fellow shoppers are barking down the grocery aisles. Most coughs are short-lived and more of a nuisance than anything. Others linger much longer and can be downright exhausting. One type of cough that can be especially concerning for parents is caused by pertussis (also called “whooping cough”). You probably already know that pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the airways. It spreads like other upper respiratory infections when an infected person coughs or sneezes. But here are 10 important pertussis tidbits you may not know that just might help you and your loved ones be better protected this season. 1. Whooping cough has been making a dangerous comeback in the past decade. In the United States, pertussis used to kill about 9,000 people each year, […]

Donate Blood: Why Should You Give?, Promise, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Donate Blood: Why Should You Give?

Did you know that every three seconds, someone in the United States needs a blood donation? Even though nine out of 10 people will need blood products in their lifetime, less than 10 percent of the eligible population opts to donate blood. The thing is, regular blood donations by healthy people ensure that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it’s needed — for children and adults alike. And there’s a constant need for blood supply because blood can only be stored for a limited time before use. How Does It Help? A decision to donate your blood can save a life — or even several lives — if blood is separated into its components (red blood cells, platelets, and plasma), which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions. Red Blood Cells Red blood cells, made in bone marrow, contain hemoglobin and carry oxygen to the body. So who […]

Promoting a Healthy Weight: What Can Parents Do?, by Danielle Haley, MPH, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Promoting a Healthy Weight: What Can Parents Do?

A recent survey by Nemours Children’s Health System, the Delaware Survey of Children’s Health (DSCH), showed that 36 percent of children in Delaware are overweight or obese. From the survey, we also learned that there’s a gap between how parents perceive their children’s weight and the reality of their actual weight. According to the DSCH findings, 80 percent of all overweight children and 53 percent of all obese children are considered by their parents to be “normal weight.” A key first step in helping children achieve and maintain a healthy weight is to understand exactly what that means and why it’s so important to their overall health. How Do I Know if My Child’s at a Healthy Weight? Calculate your child’s body mass index (BMI). BMI is a measure of your weight compared to your height. Calculating BMI on your own can be complicated, so the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created an easy […]

Youth Soccer: What's the Goal, , by Jessica Laniak, PT, DPT, OCS, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Youth Soccer: What’s the Goal?

This fall, young athletes will line up on soccer fields with new cleats, uniforms, teammates, and coaches. But for many, fall isn’t the beginning of a season — it’s merely the continuation of playing youth soccer year-round. The sports epidemic of specializing in one sport too early (under the age of 12), has been widely publicized. However, these days it’s more than likely that you and your young athlete spent most of your summer at travel soccer tournaments, team camps, and soccer preseason. I know, I’ve been there with you. I’m a mother of four boys and a travel youth soccer coach for my 10-year-old. And I very often grapple with my reality of raising a soccer family and my professional responsibility as a pediatric sports medicine physical therapist. When I integrate my current daily life with my former life, as a collegiate soccer player, I totally understand the perspective of the […]

Oral Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy: Is It Time? by Magee DeFelice, MD, Promise, Brought to You by Nemours

Oral Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy: Is It Time?

For over 100 years, allergists have used a method called “immunotherapy” to safely and successfully treat environmental allergies. Unlike medications, which only treat the symptoms of allergic reactions, immunotherapy actually teaches the immune system to become more tolerant of allergens. For allergic nasal and eye symptoms, asthma, and atopic dermatitis (eczema), immunotherapy is very helpful in the form of allergy shots. An oral form of immunotherapy (“oral immunotherapy,” or “OIT”) is available for certain types of allergies, and has been shown to be effective as well. How Does Oral Immunotherapy Work? The goal of oral immunotherapy is to make the immune system less reactive to a food allergen by eating small, gradually increasing amounts of the food over time. Researchers have been working for decades on a way to apply immunotherapy to the treatment of food allergies, with mixed results. However, a recent study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical […]

Sports Specialization or Variety: Which Is Better for Kids? - From the experts at Nemours

Sports Specialization or Variety: Which Is Better for Kids?

As the seasons change, we all look forward to an exciting change of pace. With fall comes the bombarding of pumpkin spice, red and yellow hues, and, of course, — football. Remember when we could associate all seasons with specific sports? Fall — football and soccer. Winter — basketball and swimming. Spring — baseball and lacrosse. But more and more athletes are pursuing the opportunities that year-round sports specialization training provides. Long gone are the days of children playing a favorite sport for only a couple months a year. As parents invest more time and money into sports, the pressure to maximize their children’s opportunities for success is higher than ever. This often means dropping secondary sports at a younger age so that children can focus more on the sports at which they excel.  Parents and children may feel they’re expected to dedicate nine to 12 months out of the year […]

Mom feeling forehead of daughter with fever

The Top 5 Facts About Fever

As a pediatrician, I know that parents’ panic can set in pretty quickly when it comes to a fever — especially if they have a baby or toddler. Even the calmest of moms and dads can find themselves frantically debating at 1 a.m. whether to give their child medicine and go back to bed, or to call the doctor despite the time. As strange as it may seem, fevers are a good thing. They’re the body’s way of fighting off infections. Often times, a fever left to do its job will go away on its own within a few days. However, it’s still completely normal to be worried when your little one’s temperature starts to climb. To help reduce your worry and prepare you for what to do next time the thermometer reading begins to rise, know these top five facts about fevers. 1. A fever in babies under 3 […]

Advancing Healthcare Outcomes Tomorrow by Investing in Undergraduates Today

For over 40 years, Nemours Biomedical Research has hosted a highly motivated and talented cadre of undergraduate research students during the summer months, and this year we added another success story. From June through August, 32 students had the opportunity to participate in research projects with our scientists and clinicians. The research projects were diverse and ranged from epidemiologic, to basic topics. During the 10-week program, students attended weekly seminars, participated in a student-run journal club, shadowed physicians, visited the Nemours Estate, and most importantly, gained hands-on experience conducting research procedures. Nemours Faculty and Associates mentored students through the research process: formulating research questions and hypotheses, navigating the IRB if appropriate, learning required procedures and skills, following protocols, and analyzing and interpreting data. At the end of the program, students had three opportunities to present their research findings. The first was at the newly instated Nemours Summer Undergraduate Research Student […]

Girl receiving vaccines

Give Vaccines a Well-Deserved Shot: Immunization FAQs

Vaccines don’t just protect your kids from illnesses — they protect them from passing the germs on to high-risk populations, like the elderly, babies who are too young to get immunized, kids still in need of their booster shots, children whose immune systems aren’t working well (like those with cancer). As a parent, vaccinating your kids is the safest option for them, your family, and your community. How do vaccines work? Getting vaccinated is a way of creating immunity to certain diseases by using small amounts of killed or weakened bacteria (such as pneumococcus) or viruses (like measles) that cause the particular disease. Vaccines cause the immune system to react as if there were a real infection — it fends off the “infection” and remembers the organism so that it can fight it quickly should it enter the body later. What is community immunity? Community immunity, or “herd immunity,” is when […]

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