Nemours Blog - Page 28 of 33 - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System
5 Simple Ways to Grow Good Behavior With Time-Ins, by Meghan Tuohy Walls, PsyD, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

5 Simple Ways to Grow Good Behavior With Time-Ins

We all know about time-outs: Sending children to their room or removing them from enjoyable people or activities. But how well do we practice time-ins, which help reinforce good behaviors? And why should we work on quality time together? Why Time-Ins and Quality Time? Quality time with parents provides many benefits to kids. An important thing to remember is that quality really does matter over quantity. It’s not necessarily how many minutes you spend with your children, but that you’re present and make the time matter when you’re together. Research suggests positive quality time with parents results in a number of positive outcomes, including: strengthening the parent-child relationship fostering communication improving behavior decreasing later risks in adolescents for both mental health and health outcomes You’re also modeling positive relationships for your children and helping them understand the importance of being engaged and consistent. Start Simple 1. Snuggle. Be generous with your […]

How Hands-Only CPR is Helping More People Stay Alive | Dr. Gul Dadlani | Promise: Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

How Hands-Only CPR is Helping More People Stay Alive

Imagine you’re walking through the park, on a play date with a good friend and both of your children, when the outing takes an unexpected turn. Your friend stops mid-stride, struggling to catch her breath. She begins sweating, and before you can understand what’s happening, she’s collapsed on the ground. What do you do? Cardiac arrest is an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat (also called arrhythmia) and disrupts the flow of blood to the brain, lungs and other organs. It’s a leading cause of natural death in the United States. Each year, some 350,000 people experience cardiac arrest outside of a hospital setting. Of those, 90% will die. And while the prompt administration of CPR can double—or even triple—a person’s chance of surviving a heart attack, most bystanders feel helpless to act when it’s most important. Either they’re not confident in their abilities to give […]

Vaccines Are Safe and Effective: One Pediatrician's Plea, by Michelle Karten, MD, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Vaccines Are Safe and Effective: One Pediatrician’s Plea

We live in a time of information overload. It’s impossible to open your computer or reach for your phone and not be surrounded by mountains of information. And with so much at our fingertips, it can be hard to know what is true and what is false. I understand the confusion that so many conflicting accounts can cause because I see it every day. But as a mother of two children I cherish, and as a pediatrician and champion of wellness, there is one thing that does not confuse me — the fact that vaccines are safe and save lives. When my first child was born, I cradled her in my arms and vowed to keep her safe. Since that time, I have worked hard to sustain her mind, body, and spirit with healthy habits. I’m fortunate to be a pediatrician who reads avidly, and is able to make sense […]

6 Common Pneumonia Questions Answered, by Kate Cronan, MD, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

6 Common Pneumonia Questions Answered

Pneumonia is a very common illness in kids. In fact, an estimated 156 million cases of pneumonia are diagnosed worldwide each year — and that’s just in children younger than 5 years old, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). So here’s what you need to know about this infection that’s all too common around this time of year. 1. What is pneumonia, anyway? Simply put, pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. It causes fever, coughing and sometimes trouble breathing. The good news is that most kids with pneumonia can be treated at home, and they usually get better in 1 to 2 weeks. However, in some cases, babies and children with certain other medical problems can get sicker and may need to be admitted to a hospital while they get better. 2. Is there a pneumonia “season?” Your child may be more likely to get pneumonia after having a […]

Kids Stressed?: 16 Tips (for You and Them) That May Help, by Michelle Karten, MD, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Kids Stressed?: 16 Tips (for You and Them)

As adults, we’ve all had to handle some amount of stress in our lives. Stress is our body’s way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness. But we often believe kids are happy and carefree – that their lives are simpler than ours. We find ourselves telling them how much harder it will be when they grow up and face the “real world.” The reality is, though, kids are facing their own “real world” every day. Stressors for kids can include issues with family or friends, ongoing challenges with school, or crammed schedules that don’t allow any downtime. And while they may not initiate a conversation about what’s bothering them, kids do want their parents to reach out and help them cope with their troubles. Signs and Symptoms For kids with chronic conditions like migraines or sickle cell […]

Early Attachment: Yes, Parents Can Make a Difference, by Meghan Walls, PsyD, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Early Attachment: Yes, Parents Can Make a Difference

How likely will the quality and impression of early relationships influence us throughout our lives? A recent article in The New York Times, “Yes, It’s Your Parents’ Fault,” addressed this concept called “attachment theory” and said it matters a lot. Once you get past the slightly negative title and some psychological jargon, the opinion piece is laden with good information. Why Is Parenting So Important? Instead of blaming parents, let’s take a small step back: Parents can contribute so much value to their children’s lives, especially in the early years. Experts agree that the early years (especially months 0-36) are a critical time for development of relationships, language, and emotional understanding. Simple behaviors such as talking to your baby more, no matter what words are spoken, are impactful. We should teach parents that this period is important and offer support. We might think this comes naturally to parents, but it doesn’t […]

The Good News About Updated Guidelines for Peanut Allergies | Promise, powered by Nemours Children's Health System

The Good News About Updated Guidelines for Preventing Peanut Allergies

Peanut allergies have long been a concern for parents and families. In the past several years, the instance of peanut allergies and children – along with confusion and fear about how and when to expose young children to peanut ingredients – has been growing. Peanut allergies generally develop in childhood and continue into adulthood, and they’re not to be taken lightly. People who live with peanut allergies, along with their families, must maintain constant vigilance in the face of a peanut-contaminated environment. Allergic reactions can come from traces of peanuts from unexpected sources, and may be severe or life-threatening. And while there’s no cure for peanut allergy, a new set of guidelines from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), can help parents prevent an allergy to peanuts by introducing the ingredient earlier in life. LEAP (or Learning Early About Peanut […]

Our New Year’s Resolutions as Parents Matter to Our Kids Too, by Joannie Yeh, MD, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Our New Year’s Resolutions as Parents Matter to Our Kids Too

As we make our New Year’s resolutions for 2017, let’s keep in mind that our success spills over to our kids. How well we do with more exercise, eating more real foods and less processed foods, taking care of our mental health, and quitting nicotine directly affects our kids’ health. After all, research shows that: Parents who model healthy eating behaviors increase the likelihood that their kids will also make healthier food choices. Girls are more physically active when their moms exercise regularly. Children of parents who are depressed may score lower in school than those who have parents without a mood disorder. Laws that limit spaces where people (i.e., parents) can smoke have led to fewer asthma hospitalizations for kids. So here are some tips to keep going strong for ourselves and our kids through the entire 2017 year. 1. Make small, specific changes. Here are some examples: Healthy […]

This toddler with a rare disease got a life-changing treatment. Why can’t all kids?

This article originally appeared in STAT on December 15, 2016. When 6-month-old Asher Camp was diagnosed with type 1 spinal muscular atrophy, a leading genetic cause of infant mortality, his family measured his life in days, not years. They dreaded the future, wondering how much time they would have with their beautiful baby boy. Parents of children with type 1 spinal muscular atrophy aren’t guaranteed to see their baby’s first steps, first day at school, or other treasured milestones that make up a child’s life. Instead, they watch anxiously as developmental milestones are missed, as common colds require trips to the emergency room, and as hope fades for reaching the day when a cure becomes available. Asher got lucky. He was able to take advantage of a life-changing opportunity, the kind that needs to be available to all children. Just a month after Asher’s parents, Amanda and Jeremy Camp of Lakeland, […]

7 Ways to Simplify the Holiday Season, by Chad McRae, MD | Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

7 Ways to Simplify the Holiday Season

The holidays are supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but for many of us, they can be challenging. Family conflicts, strained budgets, and physical exhaustion can all put a damper on holiday cheer. Here are a few tips to help avoid these pitfalls, and keep your family happy and healthy this season. 1. Spend quality time together as a family. Quality family time increases children’s social skills, sense of self-worth, and improves family relationships. So use the holidays as an opportunity for your family to spend positive time together. Try doing fun activities like baking, decorating, or playing games. You could try an activity that you’ve never attempted before, perhaps like sewing or embroidering – check out these machine embroidery designs, there could be something that inspires you or scratches your creative itch. It’s a great activity to get to grips with alone or with others! […]

8 Easy Ways to Create Eco-Friendly Holidays, by Kate Cronan, MD, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

8 Easy Ways to Create Eco-Friendly Holidays

The hustle and bustle of the holidays is fully upon us. The family gatherings, the dinner parties, the shopping, the gifts, the … trash! Have you ever noticed how your trash cans are overflowing in the days following your holiday get-togethers? While there’s no need to radically change your holiday traditions, there are simple things you and your family can do to create eco-friendly holidays. You can “green” up your holidays and – bonus – save some green too! 1. Choose eco-friendly gifts. While out shopping for family and friends, why not shop with the environment in mind? Look for items made from recycled materials like glass, metal, plastic, or paper. Or give gifts that get used up, like soap, food, or candles. You can also give gifts that help people cut down on waste. Reusable grocery or produce bags and refillable water bottles come in a large variety of […]

New Screen Time Guidelines and Tips to Unplug, by Michelle Kartan, MD, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

New Screen Time Guidelines and Tips to Unplug

There’s no getting around it: Screens are everywhere. Take a look around next time you’re at a restaurant, coffee shop, on the bus, at the park, or even in your own home. How many people — adults and kids — have their eyes on a screen instead of on the world around them? Of course there is a time and place for screen time. But as the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announces new recommendations for children’s media use, it’s a good reminder for all of us to get our own media use in check. New AAP Recommendations for Screen Time For children younger than 18 months Avoid use of screen media altogether, except for “video chatting” (e.g., letting Grandma and Grandpa see or talk to your little one). For children 18 to 24 months of age If you want to introduce digital media during this age, choose high-quality programming and watch […]

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