Nemours Blog - Page 27 of 33 - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System
Supporting Parents to Help Children Thrive | Daniella Gratale | Promise, powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Supporting Parents to Help Children Thrive

It’s no surprise that the family is the foundation of a child’s well-being. Children who grow up in stable, responsive and nurturing households reap a lifetime of benefits. From infancy to adolescence and across adulthood, these children are healthier, exhibit fewer behavioral problems, use drugs less frequently, perform better in school and on the job, and are less likely to be incarcerated. A growing body of research shows that improving parenting skills can help support a child’s health and development. Encouraging positive interactions between parents and children, especially during the early years of child development when brain development is happening rapidly, can improve children’s physical and emotional health. Parents want to help their children thrive, and we can all play a role in supporting parents in that critical responsibility. There is no wrong door for supporting families and building parenting skills. Providers who care for children – from health care providers […]

The Truth About Kids in Clinical Trials | Stacey Gray | Promise: Powered by Nemours Children's Health

The Truth About Kids in Clinical Trials

Asthma medications. Dietary guidelines for people with diabetes. Vaccination schedules. They’re all things we take for granted when health care providers recommend them, but none of them would be possible without successful clinical trials. Clinical trials are designed to evaluate a new or existing medication, treatment approach, or medical device for patients who have a particular condition, like obesity or heart disease. However, they’re not just about improving treatment options for future patients. On the contrary, people who volunteer to participate in clinical trials often benefit from the enhanced care that comes with being part of an important study. Still, it’s natural to have lots of questions when you’re thinking about enrolling your child in a clinical trial. Here, we’ll try to answer some of those questions. Will my kid be a guinea pig? Not at all. While your child’s participation will help health care providers make more informed treatment […]

What is Powassan virus? | Karen Ravin, MD, Division Chief of Infectious Diseases, Nemours/AIDHC | Promise, powered by Nemours Children's Health

What is Powassan virus?

An unfamiliar tick-borne virus is making headlines this spring. What is Powassan virus and how worried should we be? Powassan virus is an extremely rare infection transmitted by a tick bite. Powassan can cause fever and vomiting, disorientation, seizures and brain inflammation and swelling. How common is Powassan? To say it is rare is an understatement. Since 2006, only 75 cases have been reported in the U.S., mostly in the Great Lakes region and New York State. One case was reported in Pennsylvania, three in New Jersey and none in Delaware or Maryland. The chances of contracting Powassan virus are about one in 50 million. Is it new? Powassan isn’t new. It was first reported in Canada in 1958. Recently, a toddler in Connecticut became ill with Powassan virus (the first case identified in that state). Reports were featured prominently in national media, raising awareness (and fear) of Powassan. In […]

Staying Safe With a Stinging Insect Allergy, Jordan Smallwood, MD | Promise, powered by Nemours Children's Health

Staying Safe With a Stinging Insect Allergy

Honey bees. Wasps. Fire ants. Yellow jackets and hornets. Few people are big fans of these bugs, but for those who have a stinging insect allergy, there’s more at stake than the pain of a simple sting. Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening reaction that occurs in people who are allergic to the venom of stinging insects. It happens when a person’s immune system overreacts to the proteins in an insect’s venom, and the effects are immediate and very dangerous. While most people develop pain, swelling and redness at the site of an insect sting, it’s important to watch out for symptoms of an allergy. These signs include: Hives Tightening of the throat Wheezing and/or difficulty breathing Stomachache Vomiting or diarrhea Itchiness Lightheadedness or loss of consciousness Itchy, watery or swollen eyes If your child starts having serious allergic symptoms, like swelling of the mouth or throat or difficulty breathing, give an epinephrine auto-injector […]

13 Things to Consider about 13 Reasons Why, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

13 Things to Consider About “13 Reasons Why”

If you’re a teen, tween, parent, or just a Netflix aficionado, you’ve likely heard of the new series, 13 Reasons Why. If you haven’t, the premise is that Hannah, a high school student, has already died by suicide when the series begins. She leaves behind 13 tapes for the people she blames for her eventual death. The series shows the people on the tapes working their way through them, and ends with a graphic scene of Hannah taking her own life. Some are praising this work for suicide awareness. And while suicide awareness is indeed very important and much needed — suicide is the second leading cause of death for young adults — the way this show depicts suicide overlooks important media recommendations offered by experts on the portrayal of suicide. John Ackerman, PhD, suicide prevention coordinator and clinical psychologist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio, spells it out further in […]

New FDA Warnings against Codeine and Tramadol for Kids | Michelle Karten, MD | Promise: Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

FDA Issues New Warnings against Codeine and Tramadol for Kids

The FDA has updated its guidelines for the use of two ingredients found in cough and pain medicines. These new warnings and contraindications target codeine and tramadol in children and teenagers. What are the ingredients? Codeine and tramadol are a type of narcotic medicine called an opioid. Providers may prescribe codeine to treat mild to moderate pain and to reduce coughing. Tramadol is a prescription medicine approved only for use in adults to treat pain. However, data show it is being used in children and adolescents, even though it is not approved for use in these patients. While these medications are effective, they carry serious health risks children younger than 12 years old. Risks include slowed or difficult breathing, and even death. What’s changing? The FDA will require warning labels on prescription drugs that contain codeine and tramadol, advising that children under 12 not take the drugs. The warning extends to women who […]

Asthma Flare-Ups and Kids: What They Are, What You Can Do, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Asthma Flare-Up and Kids: What They Are, What You Can Do

A recent survey by Nemours Children’s Health System, the Delaware Survey of Children’s Health (DSCH), showed that parents of 88 percent of children with asthma were educated by health professionals on how to recognize early signs or symptoms of asthma episodes in their child. Understanding what an asthma flare-up is and how to recognize the early signs or symptoms are key steps in improving the health of your child. Increasing the percentage of parents who are taught how to recognize their child’s early signs or symptoms of an asthma flare-up (also called an asthma attack) can help reduce the number of asthma-related hospital visits and improve the overall health of their child. What is an Asthma Flare-Up? During an asthma flare-up, the breathing tubes (also called bronchial tubes) in the lungs constrict — like a straw being squeezed — which triggers wheezing, coughing and tightness in the chest. Some kids […]

The Future of Health Care is on Your Phone | Shayan Vyas, MD | Promise: Powered by Nemours Children's Health

The Future of Health Care is On Your Phone

When you think about the ways that technology has improved medicine, your mind probably shifts to the obvious: robot-assisted surgery (you may even be aware of the latest developments in the use of tungsten wiring in such robots, as seen in this link), revolutionary drugs, or cutting-edge cancer treatments. But there’s another, equally important way that health care is being transformed by technology-it’s in the way that doctors are reaching patients and providing better, more personalized care. This overall gives a better patient experience (learn more about patient experience via this site) for those in hospital care, as they feel more connected to their doctors and ultimately their health care. Telemedicine (or telehealth) is defined as the use of technology to remotely diagnose and treat patients through smartphones, tablets or computers. Doctors use it with each other all the time-to consult with other doctors or specialists on a patient’s case, […]

National Nutrition Month: Put Your Best Fork Forward, by Michelle Reed, RD, CSP, LDN | Promise, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

National Nutrition Month: Put Your Best Fork Forward

March is National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme is Put Your Best Fork Forward, emphasizing that a healthy diet is the sum of many individual healthy choices. Revamping your family’s diet may sound daunting. But by focusing on small healthy choices you’ll be eating better with ease! Focus on Fruits and Vegetables Add fruit to your breakfast routine. Top cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, yogurt, or peanut butter toast with banana slices or berries. Whip up a quick smoothie with frozen fruit, skim milk, and a tablespoon of almond butter. In need of a quick breakfast? For quick mix-and-match breakfast options, stock the kitchen with on-the-go fruit options (like bananas, apples, and pears) and portable snacks (like peanut butter crackers, whole grain granola bars, and cheese sticks). Make vegetables your go-to-snack. Pair sliced raw vegetables with hummus, cheese, guacamole, or a Greek-yogurt-based ranch dressing. Go meatless on Mondays. By taking a […]

Research Brings Hope to People Living With Rare Diseases by Heidi Kecskemethy and Terry Pedicone | Promise, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Research Brings Hope to People Living With Rare Diseases

Rare diseases are medical conditions that affect a low proportion of the general population. Although the incidence of rare diseases is fairly uncommon, there are over 7,000 types! Here at Nemours, our biomedical researchers are actively engaged in the scientific discovery of causes, treatments, and cures for many rare diseases. And clinicians and health care providers at all of our Nemours sites provide medical management for children with these conditions, most of which are inherited (genetically linked). Rare Disease Day Always the last day of February, Rare Disease Day was established in 2008 by EURODIS (the voice of rare disease patients in Europe) as a worldwide day of recognition. Since then, thousands of events have taken place, reaching hundreds of thousands of people and increasing awareness around the globe. Increased awareness of rare diseases helps to: improve understanding of these conditions offer support to patients and their families inform policy- […]

Is It an Emergency or Just Urgent? by Kate Cronan, MD | Promise, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Is It an Emergency or Just Urgent?

It’s a Saturday afternoon, and you’ve just watched your 8-year-old take a terrifying flip over the handlebars of his bicycle. Or, it’s dinner time on a Tuesday night, and your 2-year-old has put his peas into his nose — instead of his mouth — and now they’re stuck. Should you call your child’s regular doctor? Should you pack up and head to the Emergency Department, or seek out your nearest urgent care center? It can be a tough decision, and it doesn’t help when you’re tired, stressed, and concerned for your child’s health. In some cases, you’ll know instantly if your child requires immediate medical attention. But in other cases, it might be hard to determine whether an injury or illness needs the attention of a medical professional or can be treated at home. The first call can always be to your child’s primary care physician. Your doctor — or […]

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