Hematology-Oncology Archives - Nemours Blog


Jenna: Thyroid Cancer

“Dr. Gannon and the whole team changed my life … Dr. Berman is incredible at what she does. She saved my life and I’m forever grateful for her.” – Jenna, patient When I was 13 years old, I went for a routine well visit. My doctor was doing an examination on my neck and noticed my thyroid felt enlarged. She sent me to get labs and an ultrasound. My labs confirmed that I had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Then, we received the results from my ultrasound. It showed that I had two thyroid nodules. I had a small one on my left side, and then a bigger one on my right. The border of the nodule was irregular and calcified. This looked suspicious. I was referred to a Nemours endocrinologist, Dr. Doyle. He told my mom and I that he recommends another ultrasound and to visit another endocrinologist who specializes in treating […]

Coordinated Care: Micah’s Story

Micah’s journey began with some unexpected twists and turns, before he even entered this world. “Before Micah was born, we received the news that he might have Down syndrome through routine blood work during pregnancy,” shares his mother, Kaitlyn. “It was a whirlwind of emotions, but we leaned on the support and expertise of Nemours from the very beginning.” Kaitlyn’s family have been seeing providers at Nemours Children’s throughout the Delaware Valley ever since her firstborn arrived prematurely. Her GYN office recommended Nemours Children’s, and they found the care to be exceptional, so they continued with Micah’s treatment there. It was his team at Nemours that diagnosed Micah with Trisomy 21, commonly known as Down syndrome, along with clubfoot and a cardiac concern – coarctation of the aorta. Nemours became their beacon of hope, with a multidisciplinary team ready to address Micah’s complex needs. From the Trisomy 21 Clinic to […]

Pursuing a Passion for Child Life ­­– Associate Spotlight: Kathryn Sparger

Kathryn Sparger’s journey to becoming a Certified Child Life Specialist was inspired by her sister, who witnessed the incredible impact child life specialists have on patients and their families during her time in nursing school. This insight sparked Kathryn’s interest and set her on a path that she quickly fell in love with. “Child life is such a special career path,” Kathryn shares. “I’m so grateful to our kids and families who have invited me into their lives to care for them.” Kathryn always knew that Nemours Children’s Health was the place she wanted to be a part of. The supportive and mission-driven environment at our hospital in Orlando has allowed her to thrive and provide the best care possible for her patients. Working with the Hematology and Oncology team has been one of the highlights of Kathryn’s career. “I absolutely love my hem/onc team. They are true heroes. They […]

Associate Highlight- Jonathan Haro’s Stem Cell Donation

Jonathan decided to become a nurse after his grandfather was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He was inspired by the many great nurses that cared for his grandfather at home and inpatient. Around the time he was graduating high school he was thinking about careers to pursue. Jonathan says, “I knew I liked working with people, and most of all I liked helping. Nursing fit into those categories perfectly and that’s what led me to apply to nursing school.” But Jonathan’s story here at Nemours Children’s Health is unique. Here’s his incredibly unique journey in his own words: In April of 2023, I was running in the Mimosas for Marrow 5K that is hosted by a previous oncology patient and her family. At this 5K I connected with the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), who added me to the national donor database. In November, I then found out that I had […]

Family Advocacy: How Cancer took Cameron to Chords and Capitol Hill

For Cameron Thackston, 17, what started as a pain in his foot in early 2023, turned out to be something much more serious. He and his mom, Alma, thought it could’ve been tendonitis, only his condition wasn’t improving. The sharp pains continued to the point where the family was forced to take a trip to the emergency room. After a few rounds of testing Cameron received the news. He was diagnosed with cancer. Mom was devastated. “I went into a panic,” she said. And Cameron?  How did he take the news? He had one simple question for the care team. “Is it curable?” he asked. “Yes,” they said. “Cool,” he replied. With his primary diagnosis being T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, his mom admits she was scared. But the family only had one choice. Fight. After rounds of infusions and oral chemotherapy and hours spent on the Hematology-Oncology Floor at Nemours […]

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