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Patient Stories

18 Years Cancer-Free: Andrew’s Story

When Andrew, now 28, reflects on his journey with Nemours Children’s Health, he describes it as nothing short of miraculous. Diagnosed with hepatoblastoma that had metastasized to his lungs and brain as a child, Andrew’s journey to recovery has been thanks to his expert medical care and unwavering support system. In November 1999, 3-year-old Andrew woke up in the middle of the night complaining of shoulder and abdomen pain. His parents, concerned, took him to the pediatrician in Augusta, Georgia, where appendicitis was initially suspected, and surgery scheduled. However, a perceptive surgeon, recalling a rare medical condition from his studies, insisted on further tests. The results were alarming: Andrew’s cancer markers were sky-high, pointing to a serious diagnosis. The local medical team quickly realized they needed specialized help, so he was transferred to a children’s hospital. The surgeons there reached out to Dr. Adela Casas-Melley, who was working at Nemours […]

Enjoying Each Moment: Alek’s Story

Alek is a courageous patient whose journey with severe kyphoscoliosis led him across the globe to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware. Kyphoscoliosis is a dangerous condition that affects the spine. It causes an abnormal curve in two directions, side to side and front to back. It is a combination of two other conditions: kyphosis, which causes a severely rounded appearance of the back, and scoliosis, where the vertebrae form a curvature instead of being straight. Alek’s diagnosis unfolded in Poland in 2010 when he was a young boy. The road ahead seemed daunting as his condition gradually worsened. “Before starting treatment at Nemours Children’s, Aleksander’s condition was very bad,” shares his family. “He had trouble with breathing and couldn’t eat and walk. He lived in chronic pain.” It wasn’t until after a failed operation in Poland that Alek’s family discovered Nemours Children’s. Referred by their physician in Poland, Alek and his […]

A Journey With Craniosynostosis: Georgia’s Story

At 11 months old, Georgia has already shown incredible resilience and strength throughout her life. Diagnosed with isolated nonsyndromic unilateral craniosynostosis at 8 weeks of age, Georgia’s journey has been a whirlwind of medical appointments, treatments, and hopeful recovery. Karin and Edwin knew early on that something was different about their daughter, Georgia’s, head shape. They voiced their concerns during her 1-month and 2-month check-ups. At her 2-month appointment, the nurse practitioner conducted a thorough examination. It was then that they noticed an absence of the soft spot on the top of Georgia’s head. This was a critical moment for her family. Craniosynostosis is a condition where one or more seams between the bones in a child’s skull close too soon. This premature closure prevents the skull from growing properly and results in an abnormal head shape. If left untreated, craniosynostosis can increase intracranial pressure, leading to developmental problems, headaches, […]

Mending the Smallest Hearts: Lottie’s Tetralogy of Fallot Diagnosis (In Mom’s Words)

Our precious newborn, Lottie was the cutest bundle of joy we could have ever imagined. At just weeks old, our pediatrician noticed a heart murmur at her routine visit. We had no idea until a visit to the Nemours Children’s Cardiac Center in Delaware that she had any cardiac issues whatsoever. After an echocardiogram, Lottie was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). Her diagnosis included TOF with valvar and subvalvar pulmonary stenosis, with large secundum ASD and additional posterior muscular VSD.  After we received Lottie’s diagnosis, we were very anxious, knowing our child could have “TET spells” a condition where she would have had lack of oxygen and blood to her organs, including her brain. Constant monitoring and always watching for any signs, knowing that her condition was inevitably going to worsen. As a nurse, I knew immediately she would need open heart surgery and I felt like my whole world came […]

On The Right Path: Marina’s Story

When Marina was just 6 months old, her family noticed something unusual—her neck often fell to one side. This seemingly minor issue led to a series of medical consultations and diagnoses that would shape the future for Marina and her family. Diagnosed with torticollis and abnormally low muscle tone (hypotonia) by her pediatrician, Marina was referred to a neurologist at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida for further evaluation. Upon consulting with Nemours Children’s specialists, it was discovered that she was experiencing frequent seizures. “Various specialists conducted studies, leading to the discovery of congenital cytomegalovirus on February 2, 2022, just after her first birthday,” shares her mother, Kenialys. “This news left us shocked, confused, sad, anxious, and scared. However, the dedicated care from healthcare professionals at Nemours helped us regain optimism and hope for Marina’s future.” Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is closely related to the viruses responsible for chickenpox and mononucleosis (mono). Babies infected […]

Navigating Crohn’s Disease: Billy’s Story

Jessica, 12-year-old Billy’s mother, recalls the summer of 2022 when they noticed something unusual during their family getaway. “While on vacation, we discovered he had an anal fistula,” she recounts. In April of the following year, Billy experienced his first flare-up, ultimately leading to a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease. Located in their hometown, Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida became a regular visit for Jessica and Billy. “We have lived in Lake Nona for over 11 years,” says Jessica, so they were already familiar with the Nemours Children’s location. From the moment they stepped through the doors, they were greeted by a team of dedicated professionals led by gastroenterologist Dr. Pablo Palomo. Reflecting on their experiences with the Nemours team, Jessica highlights the genuine care and compassion in each interaction. “Billy’s liked everyone he’s ever interacted with,” says Jessica. “My favorite thing about them is how special they make me feel, even […]

From Diagnosis to Triumph: Ny’Jour’s Journey

From diagnosis to triumph, Ny’Jour’s complex medical journey involving heterotaxy and heart complexities received compassionate care from Nemours Cardiac and Maternal-Fetal Medicine teams.

Scoliosis Awareness Month: Esther’s Story

Esther’s journey with scoliosis began during a routine check-up in the summer of 2020. Her primary care physician discovered the curvature of her spine during a yearly visit, just as Esther was experiencing a growth spurt. Her provider quickly referred Esther to a specialist at Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville, where an X-ray confirmed the diagnosis. “I went to get X-rays and found out my spine was crooked,” Esther shares. “It was unexpected, but I’m grateful we caught it when we did.” Under the care of orthopedic surgeon Dr. Kevin Neal, Esther embarked on an 18 month journey, closely monitoring the progression of her curve, and exploring treatment options. In the beginning, Esther didn’t experience much pain. However, as the curvature of her spine progressed, approaching 60 degrees, the impact on her daily life became increasingly challenging. “Pain didn’t come until the curve progressed horribly over two years or so, and […]

Scoliosis Awareness Month: Kalani’s Story

Under the expert care of our dedicated team in Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida, Kalani embarked on a path of treatment for juvenile idiopathic scoliosis and neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) at 6 years old. Her journey began in July 2023 when her mother, Monica, noticed a slight curvature in Kalani’s back. Concerned, they sought answers from orthopedic surgeon Dr. John Lovejoy at Nemours Children’s. “An X-ray confirmed that her back had a curvature and an MRI was ordered out of caution to make sure there was not an underlying issue causing the curve,” shares Monica. “The MRI showed she had lesions/tumors believed to be caused by NF1. Following the MRI results, Dr. Lovejoy referred Kalani to oncology and genetics to confirm the diagnosis and begin treatment. When we had a follow-up with Dr. Lovejoy at the end of October 2023, an X-ray showed the curve in Kalani’s spine had gotten worse […]

Work Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard: Sparsh’s Story

At just 21 years old, Sparsh has already achieved what many only dream of, inspiring and touching the hearts of millions across the globe. Born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a condition making his bones extremely fragile, Sparsh faces unique obstacles in his daily life. Unable to bear weight on his hands and legs, he navigates the world differently than other kids. It was Sparsh’s diagnosis of severe scoliosis at the age of 14 that led him to Nemours Children’s Health. During a routine checkup and X-Rays with his local orthopedic doctor, Dr. Thomas McPartland, the scoliosis was discovered. Conversations about spinal fusion surgery immediately began. “My scoliosis required me to rest often in my wheelchair or on my bed to relieve back pressure,” says Sparsh. “It severely affected my posture, which indirectly hampered the function of vital organs such as my lungs, which are important to my singing career!” Sparsh is […]

Family Advocacy: How Cancer took Cameron to Chords and Capitol Hill

For Cameron Thackston, 17, what started as a pain in his foot in early 2023, turned out to be something much more serious. He and his mom, Alma, thought it could’ve been tendonitis, only his condition wasn’t improving. The sharp pains continued to the point where the family was forced to take a trip to the emergency room. After a few rounds of testing Cameron received the news. He was diagnosed with cancer. Mom was devastated. “I went into a panic,” she said. And Cameron?  How did he take the news? He had one simple question for the care team. “Is it curable?” he asked. “Yes,” they said. “Cool,” he replied. With his primary diagnosis being T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, his mom admits she was scared. But the family only had one choice. Fight. After rounds of infusions and oral chemotherapy and hours spent on the Hematology-Oncology Floor at Nemours […]

A Dream Recovery: Avyn’s Story

At just four years old, Avyn was diagnosed with a severe 60º curvature of Early Onset Scoliosis. Her local physicians recommended Mehta casting, prompting her family to begin searching for the best pediatric orthopedic specialists in the nation. Their search led them to Dr. Joseph Khoury in Florida and Dr. Alec Stall in Texas. The decision to choose between these two esteemed doctors wasn’t easy, but ultimately, Avyn’s family placed their trust in Dr. Khoury at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida. “Avyn has been extremely resilient throughout her scoliosis journey,” says her mother, Sarah. Thanks to her treatments, Avyn’s curve progression slowed, allowing her to maintain her normal life, participating in athletics and daily activities with minimal discomfort. However, as she grew older, her family knew she would need a spinal fusion surgery at age 10. “We discovered Nemours when Dr. Khoury transferred from Shriners Tampa to Nemours Children’s,” says Sarah. […]

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