Every few months, some kind of infection sweeps through classrooms, camps and daycare centers — chickenpox, colds, pink eye and ear infections — each taking their turn infecting children. One occurrence, though, seems to send parents into a tailspin when there’s a slightest whisper of the dreaded word — lice. And now, with the appearance of what many are calling super lice — or lice that are resistant to most over-the-counter treatments — parents are more concerned than ever about the little creatures that nest in children’s hair. First and foremost, super lice are still treatable, but instead of the affordable over-the-counter remedies, super lice can be treated with an expensive prescription medication that only some insurance companies will cover. Prevention is the best solution for your child — and your bank account. With all of the tips, tricks and rumors about lice you may have heard, it’s difficult to tell […]