Each year you know it’s coming. The transition from a crisp wind to a warm breeze, green overtaking barren trees, longer days, and kids riding bikes and scooters. Winter takes its exit as spring reawakens the outside world. And with the change of seasons, the familiar growl of lawnmowers everywhere! Each year, up to 4,800 children are injured in lawn mower accidents. And 75 children die each year from lawn mower accidents. The most common injuries from lawn mowers are cuts, usually to the hands or fingers. Lawn mowers can also kick up rocks and sticks that act as projectiles, which can cause eye injuries or cuts. Kids under five years can get burned by coming in contact with the mower. In fact, passengers and bystanders are more likely to be admitted to the hospital than the person operating the mower. Lawn mower-related injuries are the most common reason for traumatic amputations […]