Happily, Boldly, Confidently: Kagan’s Story - Nemours Blog


Happily, Boldly, Confidently: Kagan’s Story

At the age of 17, Kagan’s life took an unexpected turn when the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis manifested, leading her to the care of Nemours Children’s Health.

Kagan’s diagnosis unfolded in early October 2021, just two months into her senior year of high school. Suffering from months of severe abdominal pain, bloody stools, rapid weight loss, vomiting, and more, Kagan’s health was severely affected. She was scheduled for a colonoscopy to address her symptoms, but upon having labs done in the preparation room, it was discovered that she was too iron deficient anemic to have the procedure. Kagan was then hospitalized at Wolfson Children’s Hospital. There, her care team from Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville diagnosed her with Ulcerative Pancolitis and she was scheduled to receive blood transfusions, later have a colonoscopy, and develop a treatment plan once. Overall, this resulted in a 9-day hospital stay.

Before making that long trip to the hospital, Kagan’s life was deeply impacted by her diagnosis. Forced to stop attending school, she faced the challenge of coping with her extreme symptoms, making everyday activities seem impossible. The once-active athlete found herself confined to bed, struggling with weakness, pain, and the loss of normalcy. “At this point in my life, it felt unfathomable to even be an athlete,” says Kagan. “Though my journey and major issues did not cease here, finding my care team allowed me to begin treatments that worked towards the goal of remission, and enabled me to feel the comfort of finally having a diagnosis.”

Nemours Children’s became a beacon of hope for Kagan, introducing her to a dedicated team of healthcare professionals. Gastroenterologist Dr. Yelena Korotkaya, psychologist Dr. Shana Boyle, and surgeon Dr. Sang-Woo Pak played pivotal roles in Kagan’s treatment journey.

What stood out for Kagan was the genuine care and compassion exhibited by the entire Nemours team. “My Nemours experience is one that will shape the rest of my life. Though falling so ill as a teenager is tough, Nemours makes being on the pediatric side of things worthwhile and positively memorable,” says Kagan. “My favorite thing about Nemours’ doctors, nurses, and other clinicians is how much they care. Nemours staff is not just going through the motions. I truly feel that they put their hearts and souls into their care for their patients, and therefore cultivate the vulnerable, and safe spaces that young patients need during hard times. It is because of the environment created by Nemours that even in hard times, I could feel at ease and confident in the care I was receiving.”

Fast forward to 2023, Kagan is now a second-year college student, attending in-person classes and preparing to transition to adult medical care. “It is because of the genuine love and care that I received from Nemours that I am where I am today,” says Kagan. “I absolutely love having my ostomy, and every day I feel so grateful for all that having it has given back to me. It’s not ‘easy’ being a teenage girl with an ileostomy, or just a young person with a chronic illness. But, I strongly desire to connect with and uplift others like myself. My belief that I deserve to live happily, boldly, and confidently overrides any fear or worry that I have about what others, or even sometimes my internal critics may think. I want others like me to feel this way too. This is why I share about my journey and try to connect with organizations with the same goal. My care team and nurses constantly applaud me on my mindset, but I truly believe that in large part, I am a product of my environment, the Nemours environment.”

As Kagan pursues her dreams at Valdosta State University, majoring in Sociology & Anthropology, she plans to continue her education to become a Pediatric Medical Social Worker. “I hope to become a professional that cares for and inspires young patients the way that Nemours has done for me,” says Kagan. “Though I know that future surgeries and flare ups lie ahead of me, I feel at ease. Not only did Dr. Pak and Dr. Korotkaya, make me securely educated in my options moving forward as an IBD patient with an ostomy, but my psychologist Dr. Boyle completely changed my life by installing within me the tools I need to mentally overcome all that may come my way. With everything that I have done, do, and will continue to do, I am thankful to Nemours and its dedication to pristine patient care.”

Guest Contributor

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