Meghan’s journey with Bladder Neck Dysfunction unfolded over the course of several years, involving many visits to urologists. It was only when she sought the expertise of Dr. Hagerty, making the journey all the way from Rhode Island to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, that a diagnosis was finally made. Before treatment at Nemours Children’s, bladder issues had caused many complications throughout Meghan’s life. Pain, discomfort, urinary retention, and bladder spasms were constant obstacles, making it difficult for her to attend school and participate in social activities. Her condition had become a barrier to living her teenage life. However, Nemours proved to be a place of hope for Meghan and her family. The kindness and compassion given by every staff member, from the front desk to the medical professionals, left a lasting impression. So much so that Meghan even suggested relocating to Delaware upon leaving the hospital – a testament to […]