Nemours Blog - Page 24 of 33 - Powered by Nemours Children's Health System
6 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season, Powered by Nermours Children's Health System

6 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

The holidays are a time for fun and family, but they can also be hectic and even unhealthy. Check out the following tips to help your kids (and yourself!) make good choices for a safe and healthy holiday season. 1. Get Up and Get Active Kids get most of their physical activity during school and at after-school activities. While they’re off on the holidays, they run the risk of being tied to digital devices, video games or the television. And although they deserve some off time and to celebrate like anyone else, there are lots of ways they can get physical activity during their time off from school. Consider the following: Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes (one hour) or more of physical activity each day. That includes aerobic activity (like brisk walking or running), muscle strengthening (like gymnastics or push-ups), and bone strengthening (like jumping rope or running). […]

Cyberbullying: What You Need to Know - From the experts at Nemours

Cyberbullying: What You Need to Know

Bullying no longer just happens in school hallways or on the playground. Since kids are now online and mobile, cyberbullying is a huge concern. It occurs digitally, on your children’s computers, phones, tablets, and even on video games, where players talk and text chat. Bullies now follow their victims anywhere in the world, even into the safety of their own homes. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 95 percent of U.S. teens ages 12-17 use a smartphone, 81 percent of them use social networks, and 45% say they are online almost constantly. 59% of U.S. teens report that they have been bullied or harassed online, and a close number say it’s a major problem for people their age 1 in 4 teens have been the victims of cyberbullying 1 in 6 admit to having cyberbullied someone Girls are just as likely, if not more, than boys to […]

Digital Screen Time and Links to ADHD, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Digital Screen Time and Links to ADHD

Too much screen time has long been linked to an increased risk of emotional and behavioral problems, especially when kids engage for long stretches — like watching TV for hours or playing too many video games­. The long-term health effects of being constantly connected to smart devices isn’t as well understood. But several recent studies show that these screens can have a negative impact on social behavior, sleep quality, and mood. And one study links attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to teen use of digital devices. Understanding ADHD According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood, affecting 8%‒10% of children and teens. The causes of ADHD are still unclear. Research does not show a link with eating too much sugar, parenting, or social and environmental factors like poverty. But these factors, and many others, can make symptoms […]

Is Your Child a Picky Eater?, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Is Your Child a Picky Eater?

It’s very common for parents to have concerns regarding their child’s eating habits. Picky eating is typical for many children, but parents are always looking for ways to offer new foods and improve their child’s nutrition. Here are some ways to encourage your picky eater to help build a balanced diet. Is My Child a Picky Eater? Picky Eaters vs. Problem Feeders* Picky Eaters Eat a limited variety of foods, but have around 30 foods they will accept Lose interest in a certain food for a period of time, but accept it again after a few weeks Tolerate a new food on the plate, even if they don’t eat it Eat at least one food from most textures (i.e. crunchy, puree) Able to eat at table with family, even if a separate meal Take in enough calories a day for growth and nutrition Sometimes reported by parent as “picky eater” […]

Halloween Safety Tips, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is such a fun time–for kids and grownups! Before you send your little monsters out trick-or-treating, here are some quick and easy Halloween safety tips to make sure your kiddos enjoy all Halloween treats this year. Dressing Your Little Ghouls & Goblins Choose a light-colored costume that’s easily seen at night. Add reflective tape or glow-in-the-dark tape to the costume and to the trick-or-treat bag. Only buy costumes labeled “flame-retardant.” This means the material won’t burn. If you make your own costume, use nylon or polyester materials, which are flame-retardant. Make sure wigs and beards don’t cover your kids’ eyes, noses, or mouths. Masks can make it hard for kids to see and breathe. Instead, try using non-toxic face paint or makeup. Don’t use colored or decorative contact lenses, unless they’re prescribed by a licensed eye doctor. Put a nametag – with your phone number – on your children’s […]

Smart Grocery Shopping Tips, powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Smart Grocery Shopping Tips

Save time and money with these helpful grocery shopping tips! Plan Ahead Before going to the store, it is helpful to have a plan. This will help reduce the amount of time and money spent at the super market. Create a menu Write out meal ideas for each day of the week to help with planning and organization. This will help you decide what you need from the store. Consider writing this menu on a calendar or chalkboard. You do not have to create the menu alone! Ask family members to assistance in selecting meals and recipes. This will make everyone happy, as it gives each person the opportunity to suggest some of their favorite items. Having a “meal plan” for the week helps to limit frequency of dining out or ordering in. Cooking at home can be healthier and more cost effective. Plan to have a fruit or vegetable […]

Eating During Pregnancy: 5 "Go" and "No" Tips, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Eating During Pregnancy: 5 “Go” and “No” Tips

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can be a struggle for all of us. But it can be even more so for a woman who now has all the dietary restrictions that come along with pregnancy! Looking after your health and diet when you’re pregnant is extremely important because it’s not just your own body you’re providing for anymore. This is why so many women go to a Naturopath Kingston to help them learn more about how they can improve their diet and their pregnancy health because they’re so conscious about their baby’s development. So, now we know how important the diet is, let’s review the major “go’s” and “no’s” of eating during pregnancy. Protein GO Protein is an important building block for many body parts/organs in your body including bone, cartilage, blood, and muscles. In general, it is recommended we get 71 grams of protein daily. Good sources of protein […]

Introducing the New Food Label, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Introducing the New Food Label

In May of 2016, after more than 20 years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the requirements for an updated new food label. The purpose of this change is to reflect new scientific data. This includes the relationship between diet and chronic conditions such as obesity and heart disease, current eating patterns, and–perhaps most importantly–to make it easier for the public to understand nutrition labels and make informed decisions when choosing foods. What is Changing in the Food Label? There is a lot that has changed! Here’s what those changes include: Increase in the font size of the words “Calories,” “Servings per container,” and “Serving size.” Bolding of the word “Calories” and “Serving size.” By law, the serving size must reflect amounts that people actually eat or drink. For this reason, there will be a change in the standard serving size of certain foods, including: Ice cream will […]

Bedwetting: Tips for Parents and Children, powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Bedwetting: Tips for Parents and Children

Many families have been there: soggy pajamas and wet sheets, and a very embarrassed child. But bedwetting is a natural part of development, and there are ways to help kids who are having issues with wetting the bed. In fact, Nemours Children’s Specialty Care in Jacksonville, Fla., addresses concerns for kids and their parents with its Continence Clinic, which is the first nurse-run clinic of its kind for children in the U.S. According to a study by The National Sleep Foundation, 14% of preschoolers and 4% of school-age children wet the bed a few nights per week or more and 21% of preschoolers and 7% of school-aged children do so once a week or more. What is Bedwetting? Bedwetting, which your provider may also call nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis, is when kids who are old enough to control their bladder pee at night during sleep. Bladder control is a […]

Food Recalls: What Parents Should Know, Powered by Nemours Chiildren's Health System

Food Recalls: What Parents Should Know

Do the recent food recalls of romaine lettuce due to E. coli concerns and eggs because of possible Salmonella contamination have you worried? You’re not alone! These events made the news because the products were widely distributed and the lettuce has been linked to nearly 100 illnesses in 22 states. But it’s easy to miss other recalls or alerts. That’s why it’s important to know about foodborne illnesses and food safety. Everyday precautions can help protect your family from “food poisoning” and the diarrhea and vomiting it can cause. What Are Foodborne Illnesses? Foodborne illnesses happen when people ingest food or drinks contaminated by bacteria. Common culprits include E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Listeria. Bacteria can spread through food via: undercooked poultry, eggs, and beef fruit and veggies contaminated through soil or washed in contaminated water unpasteurized (raw) milk, dairy, or juice products deli meats and cold cuts soft-ripened cheese […]

Kids and Concussions. Tips for Parents and Coaches

Kids and Concussions: Tips for Parents and Coaches

In recent years, sports-related concussions in children and teens have helped to raise public awareness of concussions and their long-term effects. As a result, concussions are now being reported and diagnosed more than they were in past years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2010 that there were 400,000 concussions and brain injuries per year among high school athletes. This increased awareness means that providers are more able to properly diagnose and treat concussions in kids. Why Playing Sports Is Important for Kids When your kids play sports, either on a team or individually, it’s incredibly good for their health and well-being. Sports are a powerful tool that breaks down barriers while also helping kids feel good about themselves, both physically and mentally. Sports also play an important part in a child’s formative years and some schools are more aware of this than others. These schools employ […]

Promoting Global Education Among Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Powered by Nemours Children's Health System

Promoting Global Education Among Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Proverb About a year ago, Dr. Cynthia Reyes joined Nemours Children’s Hospital as the Division Chief of Pediatric Surgery and Surgical Director of Quality. Since joining the team, she’s been helping to expand the pediatric surgery program and develop a surgery quality program. Dr. Reyes holds the honor of being the first Hispanic female trained in pediatric surgery in the U.S. Along with Dr. Reyes years of experience and success in pediatric surgery, she also brings a unique perspective to the Nemours community. For more than 20 years, she has been an active member of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons (PAPS), which supports the growth of pediatric surgery around the world, with a focus on the countries of the Pacific Rim. Formed 50 years […]

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