When Katy’s son’s second-grade teacher called the house one afternoon, neither of them knew they were discussing symptoms of type 1 diabetes. “The teacher contacted us because Brian was falling asleep after lunch. She was concerned that something was happening at home that was keeping him from sleeping.” A little worried, Katy took Brian to his pediatrician, who simply recommended that he get to bed earlier each night. “We started putting him to bed at 7:30 p.m., and he was still sleepy after lunch in school. It continued throughout the school year.” Katy, her son’s teacher, and the family pediatrician would later learn that Brian’s after-lunch fatigue was due to undiagnosed type 1 diabetes. “Over the summer, I noticed him drinking more and more. I eventually googled ‘excessive thirst’ and read about type 1 diabetes. The pediatrician had us come in for a urine test and sent us to the […]