Nemours Division of Psychology, Author at Nemours Blog

Nemours Division of Psychology

Positive Parenting: 13 Pointers to Lay the Foundation

Do you wonder whether your kids will ever behave and follow your rules without all of the seemingly endless whining, crying, bickering and battling? You’re not alone — we’ve all been there and done (and are still doing) that. It can be exhausting … and frustrating … and overwhelming. And every child is different — what works for one may not help even an iota for another. Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the same parenting and discipline routines and feel like you’re getting nowhere fast. So it can be useful (and eye-opening) to stand back from all of the squabbling, reassess and tweak things a bit to see if it helps bring a little more cooperation, connection and peace to the household. Here are some positive parenting pointers to keep in your toolkit: 1. Remember that there’s a difference between “discipline” and “punishment.” They really aren’t one and the […]

Mother spanking daughter instead of using other tactics

Spanking: 10 Tactics to Try Instead

If ever there were a hot-button parenting topic, it’s spanking. The argument for spanking from some parents and often-well-meaning relatives sometimes goes: “I was spanked and my parents were spanked, and we all turned out just fine. Kids today wouldn’t be such spoiled, disrespectful brats if their parents had a firm hand.” To which opponents of spanking (from pediatricians to mental health professionals, from your neighbor to a mom’s group friend) might say… “But research consistently shows that spanking: teaches children that it’s OK to hit when they’re angry can cause anger, aggression, resentment and physical harm (Babies and toddlers are especially unlikely to be able to make any connection between their behavior and physical punishment. They will only feel the pain of the hit.) often doesn’t teach the lesson a parent is trying to convey can make children fearful and resentful of (instead of respectful toward) their parents may […]

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