Born at 27-weeks, weighing 1 pound and 15 ounces, Marjorie spent her first two and half months of life in the NICU. Following discharge, she was seen at Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville for hip dysplasia and eye checkups.

When she was 7 months old, Marjorie’s parents noticed her belly was very distended. It continued to swell quickly, so her parents brought her to the pediatrician. After an ultrasound confirmed a mass, the family was rushed via ambulance to Wolfson Children’s Hospital where she first met Dr. Gauger. “Following multiple scans and tests, we heard the words you never want to hear, ‘Your child has cancer,’” says Marjorie’s mom, McCall. “Marjorie was diagnosed with neuroblastoma 4S. She spent three weeks in the hospital and was readmitted for more chemotherapy before being discharged on July 11, 2015.”
After discharging, Marjorie continued to be followed by her oncology team at Nemours Children’s. “Through the years, we have grown close to these extraordinary people,” says McCall. “Each year, Marjorie fears her oncology appointment because of the ‘big poke.’ It breaks my momma heart, but I put my faith in the team at Nemours. From her doctor, nurse, and the child life specialist, they walk her through each detail and make her feel empowered in her own health journey. There are no words to adequately describe how much her team means to our family.”

“Thankfully, Marjorie’s treatment now only requires a yearly checkup,” says McCall. “While the checkups bring up anxiety and fear, we are beyond grateful for Marjorie’s health. We love watching her grow and discover her passion for dance, dogs and everything life has to offer.” Thanks to her team at Nemours Children’s Health and Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Marjorie is now cancer free and has been for nearly seven years! When asked what advice she would give to other parents in similar situations, McCall says, “Keep the faith and follow your gut. Find glimmers of light and gratitude every day If you can’t find them in front of you, you can always find them in the doctors, nurses, and hospital staff who are true angels on earth.”