During Stephanie’s pregnancy, a routine ultrasound at 12 weeks revealed that Braelynn’s left leg was not developing as expected. Shortly after this discovery, the family was introduced to Dr. Louise Reid Nichols. Dr. Nichols delivered the diagnosis of Fibular Hemimelia (FH), a congenital condition affecting the development of the fibula bone in the leg. Stephanie’s doctors referred the family to Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware when she was just 20 weeks pregnant. From the moment they stepped through the doors, Nemours became more than just a hospital; it became a place of hope, compassion, and support. After several appointments with Nemours, Braelynn’s family learned that her left leg needed to be amputated. She would receive a prosthetic and attend physical and occupational therapy sessions. What stands out most about Braelynn’s journey at Nemours is the connection that was developed between Braelynn and her care team. “The Nemours Orthopedic Department has been […]